At last, an update....

Mar 14, 2007 02:58

Well, well, haven't I been a busy boy...? Rhetorical people.
Let's see... (Oh yeah, we got a new PC & the keyboard has really thin keys, so if I miss any mistakes, bare with me while I get my stubby fingers used to it, ok?! :o))

Monday: 1st day at the new job - I potter about, & get shown where things are. I get introduced to the 'team'.
Tuesday: 2nd day at new job - I get shown the site where we are doing a turf job. It's totally sodden - clay + no drainage = bad place to lay turf. We have delivered about 6m³ of turf underlay out of a total of 12m³ to the site. So, Dave (a barely-twenty-if-that-trainee-arborist) & I joke & splutter for an hour about having to shovel out turf underlay, while having three inches of clay-goop stuck to our boots, before we say stuff it & head back to the nursery, wet, muddy & coated in goo. I got given a 40 second "here's-how-you-do-this" lesson on the front-end loader - a small number like the blue thingy on Bob the Builder.
Wednesday: TAFE
Thursday: Boss & his wife have gone to QLD for a funeral, bad news I guess, but the entire atmosphere of the nursery elevated. Today was great, I got to do some propagating, which we don't do a lot of...which is silly. I did a few deliveries & gave myself a very quick refresher course in how to use the 'tip' mechanism on the truck!
Friday: More deliveries. More nursery work. More deliveries.
Saturday: Many deliveries. Many ute & trailer loads to fill. Many customers to serve.
Sunday: Many, many ute & trailer loads of soil & mulch & stuff - seemed like an endless string of vehichles waiting to be filled at one point! Many, many customers asking questions that I couldn't answer - but some asked ones that I could answer, & that makes me feel good..perhaps I am learning stuff....?
Monday: Quieter. A delivery or two. I then took the last 6m³ of underlay to the turf job. Then I started shovelling. At least the site had dried out enough for me to treverse the truck in to the backyard & spread the load out a little more. Took me about 4 hours, but I got it done & headed back to the nursery to potter about.
Yesterday: Plantd out one of the front beds at the nursery with Pansy's. Nothing ornate, just spokes in a circular gardenbed, then back-filling with an alternate colour. Made a delivery down to Mark's Point in the ute. Took in some new stock - mainly seedlings. Sorted out a herb pot that had been left for dead at the back of the nursery. Took out the Thyme that was almost feral, & split it in two. Put those halves into opposite 'side pockets', & put Parsley & Chives in the other two, & a nice new Rosemary plant sits in the central position. Looks pretty good actually.
Today: TAFE
Tomorrow: A day off! Finally! I'm having a ball, doing what I enjoy, studying & getting paid for all of it, but really, that's ten days straight - suppose I shouldn't include TAFE, but I will!
Friday coming: Back at it for another go!
Weekend coming: All mine baby! Yeah! Whole weekend off, rest & relaxation, here I come!

So, there ya go. That's what I've been doing. Suprisingly, my wrist is doing OK. A few spikes of ouchyness now & then, but I'm watching what I do, & how I lift/grab things. So all's good so far in that department.
On other fronts:-
Phill has resigned from his job. It's nice to see the smile creeping back onto his face!
Mum & Steve are off again....don't remember where this time.
The garden at home is thriving - one of my cactus flowered! Not really that suprising, but when I post up the pics, you'll see why I was so suprised!
I bought Phill a terracota birdbath from work, to put in front of the Jacaranda. Turns out that I can claim it on tax - along with plants! WooHoo!!

Right then, it's now ten-to-three & I have to leave for TAFE at 7:30 - damn the wide-awakes, damn them to hell.

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