The best description of sex I've read,
"Don't worry too much about it. could probably think of sex like really good foot massages or sculpting clay or sticking your hands in warm, melty wax, or the tingly feeling right after you switch toothpaste. Hardly scary at all - just ordinary. The only difference is that orgasm is kind of better than toothpaste."
setissma AWESOME.
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 80%
Greed: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Pride: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 36%
You'll die while in the throes of passion - the best way to go.
How Sinful Are You? hehehehehe. i love how i die. ;D
in an attempt to give this post substance, i will now speak of my boring schmoring day made cool because of lunch + afterschool, my favorite periods.
my red/pink circley sandals are now genghis and kumar, according to jeff (aka shoe stealer). :D and they...spin, rather nicely. though charity can't spin which makes me wonder how she'd do with bottles, it's all right. she bowed to the greatness of genghis, so she can stay. no, really, we are all not crazy people at lunchtimes. we just like to spin my shoes.
and i think i'm going to hang out in the band hall after school more often, especially when it's friggin 89 degrees outside (the weatherman LIES....82 my ass...). nice and cool in there, and people give me food. seriously! i got half a sandwich (which i promptly dissembled after eating all the lettuce) from kit, cucumber slices from jazzy, and a brownie from umi through some girl. i love how my friends feed me early dinners. :]
and YAYE kit's sleeping over tonight. and YAYE ice cream/soda/mushroompizza partay sunday for....chemistry. -_____-;;; god, we're such nerds, we're making chemistry cool. wtf.
...aaaaaand SCENE. ;] /lotr reference