Dec 13, 2007 13:30
So I'm in Florida visiting my dad and step-mom. It's so nice and warm down here that I kinda keep forgetting that it's December and not May. Christmas break and not summer... which means that I can't make money and I actually have to go back to school in a month. : P Poo.
So I successfully accomplished my 4.0 for my first semester of colleger. I'm proud of myself, even if I shouldn't be because most of my classes were ridiculously easy.
Sharon and I recently found some video tapes that we taped when I was younger. I hadn't realized that I was that much of a spaz... that makes it even more remarkable that people could put up with me. Life with me wasn't ever boring though. And, I know what you're thinking, it still isn't- but I was even more random then. : )
I've learned how to knit, mostly just scarves, though I could make a blanket or two now. That's pretty exciting... Myabe I should start a scarf selling business when I get back to school. lol. It would bring a little money on the side.
So tomorrow is officially the two month mark. It kind of makes me feel like a dork that I know that and it makes me happy. : ) But whatever. I'm so over the "feling like a dork" stage of my life and actually letting it bother me. I've come to accept it as a regular occurence. I do miss him though... Georgia is a long way off just now. Everytime I think about him, I can't help remembering that he'll be gone next semester. I'm definitely going to miss being able to see him and spend time with him every day. Sure I'll miss the dates during the weekend and the movie parties, but most of all I'll miss him keeping me company while I stuided or did laundry, or how he walked me to class and ate with me. *sigh* Ah well... I have a month before I really need to be worried about that.
But, other than that, he still makes me totally and completely happy. I'm tellling you- it's differnt this time. Everything. Aside from the fact that people keep asking if we're married, engaged, or have been dating for several years, it really is differnt. : D Yay for happyness. Afterall how many men do you know that would walk three miles for a dozen roses for a one month anniversary? Or do 50 push-ups for a single red rose off the rosebushes in front of the barracks (which they aren't supposed to pick at all) because he knew it would freeze that night and knew that flowers make me smile? mI onyl know of one. And he makes me the happiest woman in the world. : D
My mom is having surgery in around a week for her hip, which is great because they thought originally they couldn't do anything to help her, but it's still surgery and a hospital stay. So keep her in your thought and prayers, please. I really appreciate it.
So now I'm off to buy some more yarn to knit scarves. Yay for knitting. I feel a bit like a grandmother, which is exceptionally awkward only because I haven't hit the mother stage yet. : )
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
With love,