Oct 05, 2007 15:32
Thank goodness it's Friday. And that's about all I have to say about that. This week has just been downright crazy. Midterms coming out of my ears and rehearsal every time I turn around. I'm glad it's over and I have a few days off to chillax- a few days being two. : D
So... I went to go see Chicago last Saturday night with a boy. Yes, a boy. But no, I'm not violating any rules, even though I tried really hard for a while to convince myself that I was. The way I see it, Kevin and I ended on such good terms that there wasn't alot of getting over him to be had, so why mope around when I can have a good time?
I met Jim several weeks ago and we really hit it off. But not like that, he knew I had a boyfriend until, like everyone else, he found out through Facebook that I didn't anymore. I wanted to get to know him better. Poor guy though; I totally confused him. lol. The whole situation was rather amusing actually. Last Thursday night, we were talking on AIM and I told him that I wanted to make sure we were on the same page as far as the whole dating thing was concerned, etc., etc. Except I really didn't mean it like I just want to be friends; I really just don't want a heavy duty thing right now... but, naturally, it was completely misconstrued. So Friday morning rolls around... keep in mind that we've been talking about going to see Chicago for a few days and I'd just assumed it was going to be a date... but anyway, Friday morning in chow we're talking. And he asks me when I want to get together and get onto the same page and I reply something in the nature of, "I'm not really in the mood right now... why don't we do it later?"
And he gets so exasperated that he practically yells, "Do you want to go on a date with me or not?!?"
In the middle of the chow hall... lol. It was pretty funny, looking back on it. I probably won't ever let him live it down. Suffice it to say after almost having him threaten my life, we were able to go out on Saturday night even though it was a closed weekend for the corps. It was alot of fun. The show was actually pretty good- kind surprising as it's a community theatre in Dahlonega. I had a great time though. We had a chance to talk and actually get on the same page later on that night; which worked out really well I think.
He's so... different than anyone I've ever met. Even before there was the spark of a romantic thing there... I've never met anyone who so completely and utterly intrigues me. I find everything about him fascinating. But not in a weird, completely obsessed stalker way... In a totally genuine way. I don't really know how to explain it without it being totally bizarre. He's one of the strongest Christians I've ever met and he's only a year older than me. Those things don't usually go together. He values his faith above all else and I'm really excited to see where a relationship with him will lead us both spiritually. I've never met a guy my age with a passion like this. Certainly not for theology. It's amazing. I have an immense respect for him.
To be honest, the whole situation scares me half to death. I have a fairly decent idea of why... but nothing substantial enough to report on just yet. It's just... wow. Amazing. Completely and utterly unlike anything I've experienced before. But it seems like I always say that. And yet, this time I feel like I actually mean it and I'm not just putting on a ruse to convince myself and possibly others as well. Wow. And that's about all I have to say about that.
I didn't have rehearsal on Tuesday night, so Jim decided sometime in the early hours of Tuesday morning that we were going on a "surprise date." Naturally, I don't actually get to know anything about except to keep my night free and that we were leaving right after my Spanish class and his Literature class, which are conveniently enough, right across the hall from each other and begin and end at exactly the same time. So we both get our of class, we walk back and put our stuff in our rooms- mine in the dorms and his in the barracks. Then he's like, "we should go check our mailboxes." Okay, because that totally makes sense... we go- he makes me check mine, because I don't usually because it's always empty and that just depresses me. And in it, I find a letter from (guess who?) lol, but Jim himself. The letter was an invitation to a literary adventure of my wildest dreams (he's a writer as well, by the way). So, we go to a nearby Mexican restaurant, enjoy virgin strawberry daqueris, and play one of those prompt writing games. : D It was so much fun! I can honestly say it was the most creative date I've ever been on. We ended up walking around the square and then definitely sat and talked for like two and a half hours.
It was so much fun. And since I'm a big, bad, college kid now I can go on dates during the week. Haha! So there. ; )
But anyway... it was a blast. And that's about all I have to say about that.
I'm going home this weekend because everyone else pretty much has Fall Break. We don't get one, but it'll be fun to hangout with some people. We're getting a group together to go bowling Saturday night. If any of you are interested, let me know sometime before then. That would be the most practical... haha.
With great affection and the fondest weekend wishes,