[Fanfiction] Real

Apr 20, 2014 00:00

I decided to try my hand at a long fan fiction and hope many people will read and comment on it ^^~
It's a story ft. TOP from Big Bang and A NG character.

A love story that will fix the broken wings of two individuals.
Romance//Comedy//Life Story//Drama

Once in your life you've felt low,

You've felt so low that you wanted to cry,

to scream,

and to shout.

But you made it.

That's what being REAL is about.

The ups,

The downs.

Welcome to the Roller coaster ride we call Life.



She looked around the room one last time hoping she hadn't forgotten anything. It wasn't that she had a great abundance of property when she had entered 3 years prior but it seemed now that she was leaving with nearly two bags more. Her eyes flicked over the presents staff had given her and stopped at her wrist where YiJung's pasta bracelet hung loosely.

"JiHae." The warm voice stopped her in her tracks. She had hoped he wouldn't come to see her off as she'd feared that with his presence she wouldn't want to leave. No she already didn't want to leave, but she now she wanted to run into his arms more than ever. To cry whilst he patted her hair and told her that everything would be OK. His shoes clicked against the floor before stopping right in front of her. " Look at me." Those brown orbs that had seen through her lies during their endless counselling sessions, now creased as he smiled at her. Leaning past her he picked up her suitcases and made his way out of the room. They walked silently along the corridors as she revisited all the memories she had made within the institute. There were happy ones, sad ones and even ones where she had been sure she was going to die. And now as they stopped at the exit she looked at all the faces that had been there with her every step of the way. There was Nurse Seo, the plump lady that served as everyone's mother with her kind heart and soft words. Hyunah, The gummy patient who had been thrown in here by greedy family members. YiJung, a boy that was like a brother to her, no not like was her brother. With his bright eyes and gaped tooth he was her baby. There to wake her up in the early mornings, they walked around the garden endlessly and aimlessly.

Lastly there was Dr.Choi. He was her part-time father and full time doctor. A man with a husky voice that calmed her panic attacks. A large smile that reminded her that there was some joy in the world she had longed to leave. He was her rock and how she would miss his comfort and stability. It wasn't that she would never see him again but it wouldn't be the same. She would be out there, where he couldn't protect her. His voice wouldn't be able to drive away the questions and his smiles wouldn't shield her from life.

" If it ever gets too much JiJi, I am a phone call away." He placed the cellphone into her hand before turning her around to face the door. " You can do it." Those were the same words that got her this far and they were now carrying her feet towards the door. Cell phone in pocket, purse in bag and suitcases in hand, it was time to face civilization.

"Remember JiHae, You're not broken but the world is."

These were the last words she heard as the sunshine ate her up.

big bang, fanfiction, top

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