Everyday people are way cooler sometimes

Aug 29, 2004 02:27

Does seeing Rick Shroeder...(or however his name is spelled) at In-N-Out count as a star sighting?  He seemed so blah, and looked waaaay old!  I think hanging out the night before and drinking almost a half hour after closing at the Dubliner with a couple of the owners friends, seemed to be more exciting.  I was fun watching the owner get his groove on with some drunk lady too for most of the night.  Hey fun times... got a free shot from some dude trying to hit on Amy, and a drink from the lady who was all up on the owner... that was because after laughing at the fact that she had a tissue or napkin stuck to her shoe for a while, I finally stepped on it to at least try to save her from any more himuliation... poor poor lady.. .I think her name was Denise.  (She also sounded like a guy from smoking too much!) 
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