Title: Love and Marriage
Rating and Word Count: G, 100
Summary: To Narcissa, the choice is obvious.
Notes: For
slytherin100's prompt "diamond," and
100quills prompt #019 "stone."
Hands clasped, Narcissa waited. Draco sat on the edge of his bed, shoulders slumped, heirloom ring in his hand. The square-cut diamonds glittered in the light.
“It’s a good match, Draco.”
He looked up, miserable. “Mother…”
“The Greengrasses are a fine family, respected and,” she hesitated, “appropriate.”
Draco shook his head.
Narcissa knelt before him. "Sometimes people find love and marry, sometimes people marry and let love find them.” She covered his hand with hers, closing his fingers over the ring.
“Marry Asteria, Draco.” She ignored the tears glittering on his eyelashes. “Eventually, you’ll forget all about that Granger woman.”