So, at school we've started with florist history and tried out old ways of securing flowers in an arrangement. Since back in the old days, there were no oasis you could wet, instead you had to make do with sand, various fruits and vegetables and stuff like that.
Here's the three things I made today and yesterday, and I'm gonna make a game out of this. If you can guess what I used to secure the flowers, or what else there might be which is a little bit odd in the arrangement, I'll write you a small fic or story of your choice. I can write for Fairy Tail, Eyeyshield 21, One Pice (duh), We were like brothers, etc~
So, here's the pic!
...I thought I scaled it... Anyway! Since I realize this might be a tad hard, here's some hints:
1. The material securing the branches are a stock food in Sweden. There are also a spice and a very famous yoga position in it.
Correct answer: The stock food is potatoes. The yoga position is lotus, which is what is behind the 1.
Winner: Stock food,
sweden_chan Yoga position,
astridmyrna Price: male!Boa and Mihawk and Onionman interaction, Zoro and Chopper building a sandcastle which has a habit of falling apart
2. The material securing the flowers are something usually found on a desk.
Correct answer:
3. One of the flowers is not often used in arrangements, which one? The scientific name please.
Correct answer: Phalaenopsis aphrodite, or Moon Orchid. It's rarely used because IT'S SO FRIGGING EXPENSIVE. I also have a vague memory of it meaning 'unfaithfulness' in the flower language...
chibikanakonyu Price:
Songfic with the song Wow (Freemasons Remix) by Kylie Minogue with ZoSan. As one of the questions are answered correctly, no one else can win by that question... So guess quickly, you got as many guesses as you want to your disposal. (But I expect you to guess serious...)