Кто придумал Интернет?

Feb 03, 2009 17:07

Ал Гор нам вот уже пару лет говорит, что он выдумал интернет, стоял у истоков, можно сказать.

Pete Talek, a U.S. Steel employee speaking with Al Gore: "I am a few credits shy of earning a master's degree and could use federal funds to help defray tuition costs because he also is putting a daughter through community college. "I worked with a 14-inch pipe wrench for years and a coal shovel." Adding that he since has added a computer keyboard to the list of tools he can now use. "Gore smiled and admitted that he, too, has trouble turning on a computer - let alone using one."
(Source: "Gore Touts Job-Training Programs at Pittsburgh Factory" Associated Press September 4, 1998)

Откуда я это взяла? Да вот отсюда http://www.gargaro.com/algore.html

And yet he claims to have invented Internet...

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