May 18, 2005 20:53
I now use that song to help me spell bananas, because I used to have troubles with it. I still don't really like that song. But I have to sing along when i hear it. It's outrageous homie!
So anyway. I guess me and sean are done. I kinda miss him, because well I miss knowing that the guy that i like, likes me back. But he didn't want a relationship so I can understand that. A relationship is still what I want though. So, I think I'm just going to give up, because it seems like no one wants relationships right now. I guess I'm just gonna concentrate on me, and getting back into my old hobbies that i kinda threw out the window for awhile.
Man it is hotter than a BITCH up in this house. aaannyway. I need some new people to hang out with. I miss sarie and steph. and i wanna start hanging out with Sarah more. That girl makes laaaaugh. lol. well anyway. this entry is gay enough like the rest of mine lol. So, I'm done for now.
♥ Ash