Mar 12, 2005 22:51
Hmm. My neice and nephew came over this weekend and stayed.
It's been a pretty good weekend so far.
yesterday I went to sean's after school with amber, and ron
showed up at like 4. For awhile, we all just kinda sat there.
At about 8 I went home, and spent time with my neice and nephew.
So pretty much.. Friday was real good.
Today I woke up at like 10 something bc I heard a really loud
noise. My mom was using this dust remover thing on the keyboard,
and it was sooo loud. At 2 my mom, my neice, nephew, and I went
to the mall. I bought sarah o. and sean something. We then came
back home and got my step dad, and we all went to Chuck E Cheese's.
OMG I thought I was gonna have to shoot somebody. I really don't
get along with kids. Especially one's that don't like to listen.
And smelly ugly ones that like to go real slow in the tunnels.
Yeah. I played in the tunnels.
Haha. yeah this kid larry thats in my seminar stares at me like
ALL the time. He works at Chuck E Cheese* found this out today*.
He kept going wherever i was to sweep the floor. Like he couldn't
have made it more obvious. I was real close to saying something.
Well yeah I'm gonna go watch Tommy Boy now and got to bed.