Vignette: New Hurts.

Jan 12, 2008 21:17

A little one on one with Tav and Immath one later afternoon in the work room.

<< We are here. What do we do next? >> Came the question. The green had been spiraling high in the sky for the better part of the afternoon, and chatty as always, kept her rider's mind occupied.

Tavaly's hands worked around the leather of the strap she was mending at a leisurely pace. No rush, for now. The work would be finished long before the next 'fall was supposed to loom over Caucus proper. She leaned back, straightening her spine for the first time in what felt like hours and looked around the work room. "Dunno. Going to teach Amerigo and Zotzilath how to play Skyball, for certain. May even teach the big'ns a thing or two about bein' small. See if a gold can maneuver like a green."

<< They are too big. >> Is Immath's reply, carrying with it a slightly smug aire. << They will try, but it will be harder for them. Feels good to play again, though. >> And as if to accentuate the comment, the green - high above - echoes a bugle into the open space.

The woman has to smile a little, even with the cramp working into her right hand. "Everything is a game for you. Giant playing field. They'll never take us seriously, you know. Attitude like that. Just keep your nose clean so I can at least make a good impression on some of the instructors. I may not be able to attend class formally, but I still hope to learn /something/ new while I'm here. I've heard Reyce is teaching here, now. Math. Numbers." And another pause while she smiles. "Oshisyth is here, too, I've heard."

Another trumpet from high above. << Good! It will be good to race again. Oshisyth is very fast. >> There is a pause, and the green shifts gears, mentally. << What is it you want to learn? >> Comes a curious question.

It's one that gives the greenrider pause, eyes unfocusing and hands pausing their work again while she considers. It's a few moments before she answers, "What they know." Simple enough. The image shared with the airborne green is of other riders, some hold Blood, as well. "You and I may not be ideal leadership material, but it helps to know what it is that makes our future sovereigns tick. It's good to /know/." The woman reasons. "And if anything, it's always good to bring in fresh minds, mm? Beat the dust out of old traditions."

There's a soothing stream of encouragement slipping from the green's mind to her rider's, and again the trilling of dragon vox sounds high above. << This is a good idea. >> Immath affirms, wheeling in lazy figure eights. << I want to know what the food-beasts taste like here. >>

This gave the greenrider pause. "Ah, tha's right. M'sorry, dear, I'd forgotten. I'll be a moment tidyin' up, then I'll take us out there, mm?" The woman reaches beneath the heap of straps, hissing quietly as her hand runs over something sharp. There's a loud curse from her, and she pulls her hand away. A long knife is pulled out from under the straps with the action, clattering on the floor, its edge stained red. Tav stares at it a moment, then glances at her hand. "Shards of the First Egg.." She mutters too herself darkly.

Concern creeps into the corners of her mind, the green's tender tones asking, << You should go to the healing place. I do not have to eat now. >> The trumpeting has ceased, but the green is still on the wing, circling around the clearing that would bring her closest to her rider.

"No. You're hungry, this can wait." The woman says, slinging straps over her shoulder and grabbing a clean cloth from her pocket. While tying said cloth around her hand, she offers, "It doesn't hurt too bad. After all, we've had worse. I'll go to the infirmary after you've eaten, though. Might need stitches on this one." She picks up the offending knife, cleaning it off on a leathery pant leg before sliding it into one of the loops on her belt. "Meet me outside, eh? And eat quick."

vignette, owies, immath

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