(no subject)

May 16, 2007 23:20

Who: Vanya, Tavaly
When: Haaaahahahahaha..
Where: Five Mines Hold
What: Dinner time, Van and Tav catch up, talk about folks, freak eachother out, and then hit the hot tub.

The second day at Five Mines Hold has come to a close, and Vanya has made her way into the hold for dinner. The people are, for the most part, apparently quieter in the evenings; perhaps tired from working all day. That's why Vanya's chosen a place in one of the corners; it's quieter and kind of separated from the majority of the crowd. She's been working all day with the healers, getting them up to speed on new discoveries, helping them organize their infirmary, stocking and listing medicines she brought with her. Now she's looking forward to a bit of time to unwind before bathing and bed. The food is decent, and most of the residents seem to respect her privacy. She occasionally glances around the room, taking in those coming and going, perhaps waiting to be joined by her cohort from High Reaches Weyr. The stew is hearty, and a nearby hearth takes the chill off the autumn air.

There is one who has no call to respect her privacy, and in fact, she means to disrupt it. At least during dinner. Tavaly steps toward the healer with a small bowl of stew. No more than a ladel full and a half. The greenrider stands beside where the other woman is and spoons in a bit before offering, "Evenin'. Things still goin' smooth on your end?" The greenrider asks, eyeing a few folks that have it in their heads to eye her. Not a nasty eyeing. Just curious. On both sides. "Sleep well?"

There is one who has no call to respect her privacy, and in fact, she means to disrupt it. At least during dinner. Tavaly steps toward the healer with a small bowl of stew. No more than a ladel full and a half. The greenrider stands beside where the other woman is and spoons in a bit before offering, "Evenin'. Things still goin' smooth on your end?" The greenrider asks, eyeing a few folks that have it in their heads to eye her. Not a nasty eyeing. Just curious. On both sides. "Sleep well?"

"Ain't her I'm worried about. She likes to hide and play boogey-girl. She comes at me head on, she'll find a hard time of things. And E'sere. Well." She shrugs lightly, mouthing anothing spoonful of steW. "Don't much like the thought of him talkin' to you, but if he's not done you any harm and you're arright with him, suppose there's not a lot of harm in it. Don't have t'tell you to be careful here." She nudges Vanya's arm, eyes stalking out over the dinner crowd. It's eerie. So many people, but a quiet room. Her own, normally full voice has dropped down to a mouse's fart. "Immath's watchin', too. Knows what to look for. Just wish Odern'd get his hoity toity ass out to talk to us so we can get back."

Vanya continues to eat for a few moments, then nods. "She won't come at you head on, not if she plays according to what she was like at the weyr. Just be careful." A pause. "E'sere told me he wasn't lying to me," she says, voice barely above a whisper now. "And acting hurt because I don't believe in him anymore." A sigh. "Tav, I don't know what to do. I believe in his dream, but ... not the man. I can't believe in him. Not like I did -- but there are still ... feelings there. I just don't know what those feelings are yet." More stew is eaten, then another drink is taken. "That's odd in and of itself, you know? Usually a Lord Holder wants to show off, even if he doesn't have much to show off about, you know? I mean, think of it. He's defying the Conclave by starting up this place. Here are two representatives from High Reaches Weyr, and he doesn't come out to throw his weight around? That's ... something's not right here. E'sere's related to Odern, you know. Cousins or uncle or something like that."

"Them feelin's better be related to anger and indifference. Leastways for the man, 'cause I can't have you gettin' attached while we're here. Makes a mess of things. You don't want that for yourself, anyway. And I reckon H'kon won't like it, either." Tav says. A little sternly, but with a pat to the woman's shoulder. "We're here on business, remember." About the Lord holder, Tav nods her head. "Aye, last one I met couldn't stop prancing around in front o' guests sayin' 'Look what I have and you don't. Look who I own' and all." She pulls the bowl up close and polishes off the rest in a few more sips. "Least we got a room together here. Nice of 'em."

"Yes, nice, but from the look of things, I don't think they have many empty rooms," Vanya agrees. "Also, better to put us in one place to keep an eye on us, make sure we don't go wandering at night." Cynical? Well, maybe more practical. "Don't worry, Tav. That's over. I've no desire to lose my knot over him. I worked too cursed long to get it to risk it for ... love." As to H'kon, she nods. "There's already enough argument between H'kon and I over emotional baggage. I don't need more added. It's just I get this niggling feeling there's something not right here. Maybe I'm imagining things, but ..." A pause. "Did you see that Derek fellow? He has the coldest blue eyes I've ever seen. Gives me the shivers. And L'vok said a few things which make me wonder."

"I know I have no need t'tell you. You're a tough brain. S'why I wanted you to come with me." Tav says quietly, then listens as she speaks on her arguing. "Oh, good. You two are normal." The greenrider teases, bumping her partner's arm. When the last name is mentioned, it's difficult to tell exactly what the girl is thinking. Her eyes go very faintly unfocused. "Looks like he grew a feline on his upper lip." She comments dryly. "Seemed.. preoccupied. What'd L'vok tell you about him?"

Vanya chuckles at the "normal" comment. "Oh, yes, we're more normal than most people would like to think," she comments dryly. It's the second half of the conversation that brings a small crease to her forehead. "L'vok said he'd been one of Derek's men at High Reaches Hold -- which is likely why he was exiled with Derek," she muses, still with her voice very low. "But, L'vok told me he didn't like the way Derek did business. He'd followed him for his dreams and ideals, but the way Derek did things was wrong." She pauses here, shaking her head. "I was pretty young when all that went down, so I don't know much about the Instigators except the horror stories we all heard as kids. Makes me wonder just what happened back then, and what Derek did that was ... wrong."

The icy crawl from before once more makes a path up the greenrider's spine. And this time her shoulders even give a slight shudder with it. "Did he mention what he did at High Reaches Hold? Derek, I mean." Her voice has gone even quieter. Folks are already beginning to dissipate from the dining hall, and Tav has herself plastered against one of the back walls. "Don't wonder. Don't think about it. If they were exiled, chances are they done things most gentle folk ought not think on."

"L'vok was a guardsman, so he said, working under Derek's command," Vanya replies, shifting herself a little to where she's leaning closer to Tavaly. "Apparently, L'vok wasn't pleased with what this Derek did, and is very grateful to have Impressed Benreth. He likes and respects J'lor, at least, and I admit I found J'lor likeable. I'd like to see about another fifteen or so pounds on him, but he seems ... I don't know, just more genuine, if you get my meaning. Have you talked to him more?" she queries. And, the last things Tavaly says have her nodding again, and scraping the last of her stew from the bowl with a bread crust. "I shudder to think, that's for certain. The sooner we get done here and head back, the better I'll feel."

"Aye. Talked t'him about the charts. Seems like a good fellow. Good fellow to be teachin' the new riders. Seems to care a great deal. 'Bout them." Whether or not she intentionally detours from the conversation about Derek or not is hard to tell, but she's plucking the empty bowl gently from Vanya's hands and taking them over to where they go when they're no longer in use. Then she looks about the hall and sighs. Heavily. "You got plans 'fore bed?" She asks.

"Actually, I was thinking bath and then bed," Vanya replies, thanking Tavaly for taking the dirty dishes back for her. "There's a dust that seems to make its way into everything, and I just feel kind of ... in need of a good soaking. You?" There's a moment when the healer finishes the rest of her klah, and studies the mug in front of her. "Charts. Yes, those are important. It won't be long before the weyrlings like L'vok start flying Thread. Not if Benreth and the others are over 13 months old. But, I'm not sure how old they have to be. You'd know better than me about that."

"Soak.. sounds good, if you don't mind company. Didn' expect t'be here so long. Don't like bein' scuzzy, either." Tav says, offering a hand to Vanya in order to help her to her feet. Not that she needs it, or anything. "They'll start flyin' soon. Sooner the better, what with the news we gotta bring 'em." This last is said very. Very quietly.

"Don't mind company at all," Vanya replies, setting the mug down and accepting the hand from Tav. "Just need to make a side trip to our room to grab clean clothes. Didn't think we'd be here long, either. I only brought the one dress and pants. If we're here longer, I'll need to get them washed," she muses, waiting for Tav to lead the way. "I can wash 'em myself," she adds. "Goodness knows I've had my share of laundry duty at the hall." This brings a bit of a smile to her face as she glances around. "Place cleared out quickly, didn't it?" Another moment has her looking thoughtful, then shrugging. "I kind of thought 13 months was soon enough to fly Thread. L'vok told me they lost like six weyrling pairs on the trip over. Sad, that, and I don't suppose they can afford to lose too many riders." As for the news they brought with them, she doesn't really make a comment. The less she knows about some things, the better.

"Losin' riders affects everyone. Even if we're not close." Tav says softly. Their movement out of the hall is quick. Once they're out of the wide open space, Tav slows their pace a little and continues talking. "They'll be called upon to do what they're made to do soon enough. I dunno what age these folks call good, but.. Hope they're ready." The greenrider opens the door to their shared room and ushers Vanya inside before closing the door behind her.

Vanya nods in agreement, scooting inside where it feels at least a little more comfortable. "I hope they're ready," she comments. "I've talked to their healers and got them up to speed on the latest treatment for Threadscore, but that's about the extent of what I can do for them." She looks a bit grim as the door closes behind the two women from High Reaches.

five mines, j'lor, l'vok, derek, vanya, dinner

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