Mar 19, 2007 19:34

WHO:  J'sek, K'rom, Tavaly, ...and Serenus, who is not entirely happy.
WHERE: Beast Pens, HRW
WHEN:  Mid-Evening on day 10, month 6, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
WHAT: K'rom and J'sek seem to be arguing, which, in turn, irritate the Runner from Hell. Luckily, Tav's nearby in the feeding grounds watching Immath stuff herself, so.. No harm done, right? Also, Tav gets to use D'ven as a threat. Awesome.

Other: Thank you K'rom and J'sek. I got super lucky. I was wondering how the hell I was gonna catch you both on. XD  Also:   The first rule about the Black Stallion is: You do NOT TALK ABOUT THE BLACK STALLION.

K'rom continues his glaring at the other weyrling, "That doesn't make sense J'sek. If you don't know, then what would you have to tell me. It's simple. Just tell me exactly what you want. I've ben honest with my intensions. You might be a little fun, but before I moved into the Barracks, N'ka expressed interest in me moving back in as a Weyrmate and I have no intention of messing that up, if he still wants me then."

J'sek continues both with returning the glare and not exactly looking K'rom straight in the eye. He's far from relaxed now, he's begun to pace a little, body tensed, fists clenching slightly. And his only way to avoid K'rom's questions is not to answer them, but J'sek knows he can't keep that up for long. The back store room suddenly seems a lot more stuffy and humid to this weyrling and he begins eyeing the door leading out. Eventually, he mutters some reply. "I'm being honest when I say I don't know what I want. And if you want honesty, then fine." A pause as a deep breath is taken in only to be let out in a low sigh. "I act like this because you remind me of someone I used to know."

K'rom blinks and stares at J'sek for a moment and shakes his head, "I can tell you don't know what you want. You've made that part very clear. I know what I want and am making choices accordingly. When we graduate, if N'ka still wants me, I will be moving back in with him." A pause then and a aigh, "Well, who do I remind you of J'sek? Tell me."

It is a sad moment for K'rom. Whatever backing up he may have done, he has done so a little too far. There is a certain stall around which all stalls remain empty. Large hoofmarks in the walls and posts, perhaps, provide a little insight as to why this is. K'rom's closeness, the smell and the sound of voices, bring the slumbering stallion awake all too quickly. A puff of air exits his nostrils a moment before his chest
crashes against the gate (that's had to be reinforced a few times), head lunging out to try and knock K'rom off of his feet. All the while, an almost savage series of grunts erupt from the runnerbeast's closed face.

"I know that!" J'sek suddenly snaps at K'rom, taking his turn to glare now even if things had just begun to settle down between the two. "I've told you repeatedly that I'd never get between you two." Pacing resumes, even if the room doesn't allow for much of it and he begins to fidget with his riding jacket, gaze focusing on the floor now as he shakes his head. "No." he says again, shaking his head, still as stubborn as ever. "I won't tell you his name, Kie. Only that I used to know him and that you look alike." A rather weak reason to be nearly stalking another, but it's apparantly his reason, or at least half of it.

K'rom sniffs and has scooted himself past J'sek somewhat while thr other was pacing, backing out to where the animals are stalled, "Well, fine. You don't have to tell me J'sek. I won't pry. This is getting us nowhere though. I'll just get along now, okay?" While he's backing up some and talking to J'sek, he isn't quite paying attention to where he's going and nearly runs into the stall with a certain black stallion, bringing him awake. When the stallion gets close, Kie stumbles forward some away from him, turning and flaring some, accusingly. He then snorts and shakes his head.

It's spring, of course, so Serenus demands the chance to posture and to break things. A few heavy /BANG BANGs/ against the stall wall behind him with tested hooves is all it takes to summon forth his keeper. Luckily, she's not far off. Immath has chosen tonight to feed, and so Tav was sharing a moment with her. As soon as the banging starts, however, she's limping toward the pens as fast as possible, ducking into the main barn and whirling around the corner. "'Ey! Keep away from 'im." Tav barks, her holder accent slipping through in one frantic moment. She's stalking toward the pair, hand already up to sooth the beast. This touch is okay. This touch he knows. Serenus begins to calm, one brown eyes still turned menacingly toward K'rom. "What're you two doin' in here?"

J'sek can only watch as K'rom scoots by him, which in turn causes the weyrling to quit pacing. Instead, he begins to follow the other weyrling out, only at a respectable distance. "You already have." He mutters, his gaze lowering again before he continues. "But I was being honest..." Somewhat. "...about that. That...being one reason I suppose for my behavior. Even if it isn't a good reason, really." J'sek pauses by the doorway, leaning against the one side and folding his arms across his chest slightly. He's about to mutter on some more, only his words are halted by the sudden sound of a certain black stallion raising quite the commotion and K'rom's quick escape. A slight smirk is hinted at, and J'sek is about to say something, only to keep quiet as Tavaly comes in. As her focus seems turned more towards K'rom, J'sek takes a step back into the store room.

K'rom blinks and sighs as Tavaly appears, but smiles fondly at her, "I am glad to see you Tavaly, since we really haven't had a chance to talk since you came back." A pause as Kie thinks for a moment then before he continues, "Well, I came here because I wanted a fe moments away from everyone at the Barracks with the new Weyrlings there and all. J'sek followed me here for some reason. Right J'sek?" With that, Kie half-turns and smiles just a little at J'sek before turning back to Tavaly. "immath is feeding?"

"Mm. Hungry." Tav affirms, then looks between the two boys, eyes narrowing. "You idiots in here flirtin' up a storm already?" She grumps then waves a hand to dismiss the topic. "Arright, keep away from that one. He doesn't take too kind to anyone messin' with him. And c'mere and gimme your ears. Got a little surprise for the two of you, f'you want t'hear it." She says, leaning against the post nearest the stallion's head. "It's got sommat to do with leather, and sommat to do with dragons, so pay close 'ttention."

J'sek stiffens a little as K'rom mentions him, but soon relaxes again. Not like Tavaly wouldn't have noticed him eventually. So he takes up his usual spot near the storeroom door, giving the greenrider a quick, if not entirely belated salute. "Sort've like that." He mumbles, only to
give a slightly startled glance at Tavaly's remark. "Hardly flirting." He says, a hint of a smile tugging at one side of his mouth. He barely
glances at the black stallion, his focus more on both Tavaly and K'rom at the moment, although eventually all his attention focuses on the greenrider. "I'm listening" And he is, for once.

K'rom smirks slightly then, "Right, J'sek wouldn't really flirt with me knowing my interesting may lie elsewhere." Had to put in that last poke
befor he turns his attention back to Tavaly, "I do usually try to stay away from him, Tavaly. I'm listening. What about leather and dragons?"

"Your interest damn well better be in the well-bein' of your dragon, or I'll let D'ven know he needs t'keep a tighter watch on you. I don't even want to /hear/ a peep about brownriders outta you." She says sternly, face anything but amused as she sends a sobering /stare/ at the young greenrider. Oh, she remembers. The rumors, the admissions. She remembers. "Right. You two have your afternoons signed off by your Weyrlingmaster. You'll be helpin' me with leather projects three days each seven. And another two will be spent on a side project." Perhaps there's a little bit of R'vain in her next statement. "Y'lot are shoddy fliers so far, and I aim t'change that." Okay, a lot of R'vain. "Two outta the five days y'spend your afternoons with me will be spent learning the Games. First you'll be watchin' your dragon's learn it, then you'll be playin' it with them. Any complaints or goofin' off, and I'll let your superior know without hesitation. Got it?"

J'sek sends one last glare directed to K'rom before glancing back to Tavaly just before she gives K'rom a few choice words. At the mention of the change in their schedule, J'sek's interest is plainly clear. He doesn't even seem to care they were just called shoddy fliers. "The Games?" he says, arms unfolding as he steps out from the doorway a little. "Heck, no complaints from me." J'sek lightly muses, before turning serious again. "D'ven really approved this? Not that I doubted he would." Right. "What exactly are the leather projects though?" he asks next. Oh boy,  here come the questions.

K'rom blinks at Tav then for a moment, "My focus is Iusath and will always be. If anything, that was brought home to me when I got beat up and because of E'sere's trial ans testifying in it." A pause then ans a bod, and when Tav mentions flying, Kie nods ans smiles, "Yes, that will be good. More focus on agility and stuff for us. So, tell us more about the other things and details?"

"Good." Is Tav's response to K'rom's assurances. Then. "As you can see, my left hand isn't up to par with its right-side counterpart." She lifts the limb, mostly hidden in a leather glove, these days. "I am in need of some help finishing projects to help stock the stores again. New
riders means new needs. Jackets, riding gear, strap repair. A few other leathery projects, as well. This is your way of giving me a hand. All things must be equal. Three days of leather. Two of the Games. You will be taught advanced stitching, and help me develop new patterns. In return, I will be giving you extra practice in the skies. Your dragons are the smallest among their kind. This does not make them any less
important. You deserve - and damn well better learn how - to use that to your and your lifemate's keenest advantages." Tav explains, turning setting her sights between the two.  "You two and three of your classmates will be with me during your afternoon free periods. And as I mentioned before, I've got no qualms with letting D'ven know when you're behaving like runner droppings. I'll be recording your successes and failures and reporting to him after the games conclude before dinner." Here she breaks a smile. For all her rough talk, these are going to be good times. "He certainly did approve this. After all. This is extra credit."

J'sek listens carefully, his attention full focused on Tavaly as she speaks. By the end of it all, the weyrling is nearly grinning, his previous
mood and argument with K'rom set aside for now. "Ahh, so that's what you mean by leathery projects. Sounds good to me, I need the practice in that area. And if it'll help in the end...then I'm all for it." A pause, and the weyrling nods his head a little, a more serious expression set now, although a slight smile still lingers. "You'll get no trouble from me. I've been waiting to get help like this for some time now and I'm
not about to screw it up. Areteth will no doubt be eager to try these Games you mentioned too." J'sek then frowns a little. "What are the Games? Or is that something we're to find out?"

K'rom nods and smiles, "Yes, actually I talked to R'vain and made the suggestion that we need more practice actually." Presumotious of him, huh? "I am glad it's you Tav, really. I have missed you. I do like leather work and homing my skills in that would be good." A pause then since J'sek has asked any question Kie could have, so he stands back and listens.

"You will learn them. While we are working on our projects, Immath will be teaching the others. She's.. very good at them. And good at instructing. The dragons will be able to practice without us. Then when Game days come around, the'll know a little bit. The first couple times will be difficult and seem pointless, but their merit will come out as you understand them better. You will become more bold with your
maneuvers and more confident in your lifemate's ability to perform." Tav says. She almost sounds like an instructor. Scary. K'rom's admission earns him a raised brow. "Don't.. do that. D'ven is capable. He's merely in a strange position for a Weyrlingmaster. Coming in on the coattails of a man who did not finish your training. If you have concerns, take them up with him. R'vain is a busy man, these days." She glances off to the side. Mm. "Looks like I'll have to leave you two lovebirds to your whatevering. Bathtime, she says." Tav's brows flick upwards and she bobs her head to the pair of them in a casual manner before turning, and taking her leave of them.

"So we won't be learning the Games right off with our dragons? They'll learn first?" J'sek murmurs, tilting his head a little as he lets all the
information Tavaly has just shared with them sink in. If she has begun to sound like an instructor, J'sek doesn't take much notice. "Well ...
this has certainly brightened my day. Thanks, Tavaly, for setting this up for us." He says with a light smile. At the mention of R'vain and
Tavaly's remarks on K'rom's conversation with him, J'sek also chimes in. "She's got a point, there." Casting one final look around the stables, he simply snorts at Tavaly's 'lovebird' comment. "I should be getting back as well." He adds in, casting a quick glance towards K'rom. "Are you coming too?" And then back to Tavaly again, he fires off another quick salute before the greenrider departs.

weyrlings, serenus, d'ven, beast pens, dragons, j'sek, k'rom, leather, hrw

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