
Mar 14, 2007 16:03

WHO: J'sek, Tavaly
WHERE: Weyrling Trainin Cavern, HRW
WHEN:  Day 28, month 5, turn 3 of the 7th Pass. (Late afternoon)
WHAT:  Seeing what has changed. J'sek just happens to  catch her reminescing.  They talk about trouble. And about blueriders. And about getting into more trouble. Oh, and flying. That, too.

There will be time for conversation later. For now, Tav's interests lie in at least putting a face to the names of the new little ones who've
finally made their debuts in the reaches. She's paused, however. In the training cavern. Immath waits just inside the entrance, curling up on the warm sand, hide still soaked thanks to the outer climes. She's looking at barrels. At scrawl marks on the walls. Feeling the sand under her boots. Possibly just a moment of nostalgia.

It's shortly after the time some of the older weyrlings are just getting off their usual rounds of drills and exercises, regardless of the
weather outdoors. A well soaked J'sek comes tromping in from the outside, only to slowly pause while in the middle of pulling off his helmet. Areteth, who had not been far behind his rider, makes his way past the resting green in his usual awkward gait that isn't quite a full limp before settling down not far from Immath, but enough to have room to let wet wings extend a little to dry. J'sek, by that point, has enough time to recover and his gaze scans over the caverns, spotting Tavaly and slowly does he approach. "Reliving old memories?" he asks gently and in a slightly amused tone.

"Old ones. And the approach of new ones. You do not spend your childhood with someone only to abandon their small triumphs when you are both older. Soon, I'll be in here watching again. Perhaps not as D'ven's assistant, but certainly as a rider with interest in teaching an old dog new tricks." She says, her smile appearing at the end of her statement. She doesn't look at J'sek quite yet, but to Areteth. Shards, but he got big. "He's doing well? Keeping up with the others?"

J'sek doesn't seem to notice that Tavaly hasn't looked at him but is instead focused on Areteth. Even so, while interest in her reply grows, he fires off the usual salute D'ven has train them to do. And as much as J'sek dislikes it, it's rapidly becoming a habit he's beginning not to
notice. "Most riders speak as though they never want to step foot in here again." J'sek muses. "But it'd do the weyrlings some good to have a rider speak with them, aside from D'ven and Issa, of course." At the mention of Areteth, he chuckles heartily. "Keeping up? Shards, it's more like trying to keep him back. He's doing fine. How is Immath? And yourself?" There's a pause after that, and he adds in a softer voice. "Welcome back, by the way."

"Give him room to grow, but don't be afraid to tell him that he, too, has boundaries." She says to the side. "Most riders are busy with their wings. And that's good. I am between assignments, so I have time." She says, pursing her lips. The salute, she catches the very end of. That's got to be D'ven's work. R'vain /never/ enforced that. "Issa's a fantastic rider. D'ven, I've heard, is good. But it's Issa you want showing you how to fly like there's no tomorrow. Your Areteth is a smaller dragon and very agile. You'll be a fine pair, come graduation." She smiles, then. "We are well, thank you. On the mend, and being home will help that a great deal." Her head bows. "And you? Staying out of trouble?"

"I tell him that often." J'sek murmurs, only to give a sharp side glance as Areteth gives an equally sharp snort from where the dark blue rests. Then the weyrling's glaze shifts back to Tavaly and he smiles vaguely. "I've yet to really speak to Issa, but I've heard much of her. D'ven..." there's a significant pause now, as though he's fumbling for the right words. " good, yes. Very strict and that didn't sit well with a lot of the others at first." A brow quirks up, however, at the mention of flying. "Oh really? Issa? I've been wondering who to speak to about,
ahh...added flight training." Another pause. "I had meant to ask T'zen, really but as you know he's at Igen." And abruptly the weyrling changes the subject with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "It's good to hear you're both well. As for me and trouble, well...I guess I'm out of it for now." There's no amusement in his tone for that one, for it's mostly the truth.

And abruptly the smile dies, and she looks at the walls again. "Yes. Issa's a good person to speak to. And.. if you like, you can ask me whatever questions you have, as well. I'll keep my eye on you during drills. If I think that you and Areteth are up to the challenge, I may have something for you to do during your freetime in the afternoons." But definitely not at night. No more night flying anymore. At least not /with/ anyone. She looks at him, then, as he answers the 'trouble' bit. "For now?" Why is everyone using that, today? It's nutty. "What's that supposed to mean?"

J'sek almost seems to grimace a little at a word Tavaly mentions and he quickly mentions which one in particular. "Don't say 'challenge' where he can hear it." He, most likely, meaning Areteth and the blue has probably picked it up regardless. "Because, yes, he...we are and he won't stop until he masters it. But I'd greatly appreciate the help, when you've the time to spare and if you think we're up to it." Briefly, his smile returns, only to falter as he almost seems to flinch at Tavaly's last remark. "Means D'ven caught me breaking the rules and I got royally chewed out for it." He mutters, yet doesn't go into much more detail.

And he, in turn, gives her his usual return stare of a frown and a more stubborn set of his jaw. "There won't be a next time, D'ven" Keeps him drugged at nights. "made it clear as to what I was doing wasn't exactly safe or smart. One long lecture from him is enough. I swear, I'm done with getting into trouble." He murmurs, his expression relaxing into a more neutral smile. "Really? Again, I appreciate you looking into this. As for other greenriders, there might be one or two. I've not actually spent much time seeing how the others do." He admits with a light smirk.

"Of course you haven't. You're a bluerider. You won't realize there are other dragonriders around you until one saves you or your dragon's hide. And that's all right. The learning comes later." Tav states, nodding her head. "I'll look into it. And I won't keep you waiting. It'll be no more than two days, I expect, before I have a decision made. I will let you know." She assures him, turning a casual smile to him.

J'sek nods his head a little, his smirk turning back once again into more of a smile. "Indeed, the learning will come later, I suppose. I've yet
to really tackle a Fall in a wing, though." And somehow, J'sek doesn't seem bothered by that in the least. "I'll look forwards to hearing your decision then." There's a long pause, broken only by a rumbling sigh as Areteth curls up on the sands now to sleep. Probably too crowded in the actual barracks to get a decent nap. "So how was Ista Weyr?" the weyrling eventually asks.

Immath opens one dull, blue-green eye to check on the young blue not far off. Then closes the inner lids again. Attentive, but not deadly so. "Hot. Hot, dry, and unwelcoming. Or maybe I just wasn't in a mind to be welcomed there. It's definitely not the 'Reaches." And as she finishes saying this, Immath is already standing up and stretching herself out. "Looks like it's back out into the muck with us. I'll keep in touch. If not in person, than Immath will bespeak Areteth. Be well. Use your head." With a nod, Tav moves from the wall and crosses to where the green waits. Right and and leg lead in getting her up into the straps, the left of each being babied.

Areteth has most likely gone totally unaware of the quick check by Immath, as the blue has kept his own eyes lidded where he lays curled up in the warm sands. J'sek only chuckles a little at Tavaly's description of Ista. "So I've heard, about Ista's climate anyhow." If he was going to ramble on some more, he keeps himself in check this time as Immath stirs and the greenrider starts to leave. "Thanks again." J'sek says, his smile more genuine as he, once again, salutes. Definitely D'ven's doing. "Be well and the same to you." He adds, once the saluting is done and over with. As he begins to undo his damp riding jacket, he lingers a moment before going into the barracks, watching as Tavaly moves away and mounts, noting the favored limbs with a bit of a frown before turning away.

dragon, weyrling, hrw, nonos, j'sek

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