Wakeful Moments.

Sep 24, 2006 00:49

Who: Tavaly, T'zen
Where: Infirmary.
When: Night 19, Month 6, Turn 2
What: A stroke of good luck! T'zen and Tav awake at the same time! For the first time in a while. x.x
Other: Beware mush.

The day is approaching evening, the light from outside the infirmary fading into pleasant oranges on it's way to disappearing entirely. T'zen wakes from another nap, and, without hardly making a move, has spent the last several minutes just watching the colors change. Uneth is awake, more interested in some little critters that have wandered in the dragonside of the infirmary than on his rider.

And it's it just so like Tav to be playing with one such creature in an infirmary? Some long-bodied thing that half looks dog, half looks weaselferretthing stands upon its hind legs as the girl's voice softly encourages it to do a turn-about on its back feet. Then, part of a meatroll is offered and disappears between the creature's jaws. She pets its ears briefly and stands, making her way back to the chair to-- "Oh! You're awake!" And the instant joy upon her features is a mix. Relief, wonder, excitement.. She leans over his pillow, propping herself with a hand that's still slightly wound in bandage and kisses his forehead. "Missed seeing those eyes of yours open." She whispers against his hair.

T'zen smiles readily at the sound of Tavaly's voice, and shifts his gaze to find where she'd been hiding. "Hey, there, Tav," he says, and brings up his far hand to catch the back of her head briefly, ensuring the closeness remains a moment longer, and then the hand slides down her hair before it comes free and rests on T'zen's chest. "Missed seein' yours, too," he replies with a warm smile, and tilts his head back to find those eyes of hers again. "How's my girl today?"

So tired, they look. But the past few sevens are returning to them, giving them light and life. "All the better to be lucky enough to find you awake, for once.. I have to hear how you're doing from the healers and folks that visit you while I'm asleep." She leans and kisses him again, this time square upon the lips. Not long enough to deprive him oxygen, of course. "Missed you so.." She whispers, a slight tremble in her voice. "Tell me, now. From your mouth. How are you?"

There's acceptance from his end to the kiss- his hand has gone to her near shoulder now, lightly grasping it as he just as lightly returns the meeting of lips. It's a far cry from the gusto he's given before when starved of a good kiss. But one can assume it's only a matter of time. He's overly tuned to the shifts and tremors of Tavaly's expressions and voice now, and there's a further softening in his eyes at her own question. "Good." No, that's the common answer. She deserves better. "I'm anxious to get out of here, Tav." There's no pleading, no weakness in that statement. Just simple fact. "I'm doing well. Healers seem pleased with m'progress. And I knows they're right. I feel it." He puts both his hands on her cheeks, his eyes taking in her features- eyes, nose, lips. "I feel good, Tav. As good as someone stuck in one shardin' spot since forever." He allows his mouth to turn up in a grin.

"I'm going to steal you away from this, when you're all better." She says, sitting at the side of the cot, leaning into those hands that cup her cheeks as though she's afraid they'll disappear. "We're going to go somewhere warm, somewhere where it's just us. For as long as we want, even." So many things she's thought up to say, and none of them truly surface. Just.. all things come at once in a rush. "I'll steal you away, you and next to his on the pillow. She's ridiculously tired. "My dear blue, I love you.." She whispers to him, all sorts of.. well, out of sorts in the moment. Way to keep your cool, idjit greenrider.

"Tav, Tav," laughs the bluerider, turning his head to follow hers as it comes to rest on the pillow next to him. "One step at a time. That's what I'm bein' told. And that's what I'm doin'." It's his turn to be fretting over her, and he shifts over a bit in the cot. "Come on," he directs, pulling her just a further bit in on the cot. There's no room for two riders, but that's not what he's after, instead determined to get her over his chest, to rest her head there, her butt still planted on the cot. "Don't worry, you ain't gonna hurt me like this. Just lean in. My dear Tav." He strokes her hair, wrapping her in close. Doing all he can to somehow return what he knows he can't. "It's coming. We'll go. I said I'd take you, didn't I?" So long ago. And then a smirk. "So there's some big ol' thing happening tomorrow. I heard. We're goin', right?"

She acquiesces, cautiously. A sly glance over to an assistant healer who just HAPPENED to be looking over - and a nod of 'go ahead' from him later - allow her to relax into the embrace and.. "Your heartbeat." She murmurs, taking a deep breath. The days weren't so long ago that she thought she would have lost it. "I know, dear, I know. I don't plan on stealing you anywhere before that one step becomes many, and many strong ones. I don't want a close call like that again for you." Ever. She lifts a hand and pats his cheek before simply letting her hand stay there. She finally eases a few moments later, accepting it all. "I found some comfy duds for you. Of course we're going. There'll be a table for us near the exit in case we have to come back down here in a hurry. And I even talked to the healers. They'll let me make you something nice to eat."

Good thing the healer agreed. There'd have been trouble otherwise. He continues to stroke her hair, following its length as far as it goes, or as far as he can reach. Long strokes, in which he's finding as much comfort in as he hopes he's giving. And he kisses the top of her head. It's easy to lift his own head up slightly to do it. He can do that. And it's a memory of hundreds of similar kisses from the girl that prompts him to continue, at least a few more time, to brush his lips against her hair, before settling his head back against the pillow. "I've been promised trips outside soon. And working on getting me up on my own power. Vanya. The new journeyman. Says that's her specialty." There's a wry smile on the man's face. "Lucky for me, eh? Shows up in time to help." Luck. It's taking on more meaning for him lately. He pauses the strokes now, to wrap both arms around her, snugging her in, while turning to look at his dragon, and noting Immath and the slumbering Tialith. She'd been out and about, but has returned, in time for the evening, apparently. He nods at the dance plans. "Good. I want to be there. With you. Ain't missin' another one o' these. I'm staying awake the whole time." Which means, no alcohol.. it'd probably be forbidden him anyway. "I look forward to a good meal."

Oh, now that's just not fair. If there's one thing that's incredibly potent upon the girl, it's the application of hand plus hair. Her eyes drop closed almost instantly. Not sleep, for in sleep this won't feel nearly as good. "I'll be there too, if you want. When you get trips outside. The weather is beautiful, now. Full bloom. I sat beneath a tree that was just heavy with soft red blooms.." She murmurs with the volume of a dormouse. "Luck? Things happen for the right reasons, T'zen." Like him sticking around. "I want you to be with me tomorrow." Need you. "I'm not much for dancing this go around, but I like seeing everybody all gussied up."

"Sounds good. I look forward to seein' the world outside with m'own eyes, not just Uneth's. Though he's done a right good job of sharing." A fond smile towards his dragon, returned with a soft croon. "You are always welcome, Tav. But-" He's rubbing her back now, deep, fond presses over her muscles that also succeed in pressing her to him. "With things goin' the way they are.. I'm wonderin' what yer doin' bout yer duties? 2C? The weyrlings? Ya been to see them? Been on drills? I've been sleepin' plenty, I know. But yer almost always here when I wake up."

"Flew 'fall. I always do." She raises her right wrist, the soft black lines where char currently heals visible out of the top of light bandage. Clearly, it's better than it has been. "Discovered I needed just a bit more sleep for this one, though. I'm arright." She listens further. "Weyrlings won't really need me until their dragonets start flying. They come in every now and then, and when you're snoozin', and Immath's willing t stay awake, I go make sure R'vain's not scaring the shells out of them." Balancing. Fall. Weyrlings. T'zen-watch. No wonder her eyes look a little dark against her cheeks. "Remember. I'm still used to getting up at the crack of dawn to feed runners and shovel runner-do." Oo, that press feels nice. There's a sharing of warmth beginning. The kind that ushers in sleep, if allowed to gain.

T'zen nods, the presses paused as he examines her injured write. "Aw, Tav," he whispers, but says nothing more on it. He's back to stroking her hair now, after that break in his attention. "Good. Proud o' you for flyin' Fall. 'Least one of us is up there. I look forward to fighting again m'self." Though there's not a lot of conviction behind those words. Just acceptance. "And good, keeping on R'vain." He lifts his head for another go at the kisses to the top of her head, and then settles his head back down, ready for a different tact. "Come'ere." He's nudging her up, to bring her head level with his, seeking her lips again. "Need a few more o' these," he tries to straight-face, but isn't that successful. "Want t'see you doin' good. Tell me what's happening. So on."

Everything looks better at this angle. Even.. Whoa, purple things. She lifts her head, though, at the request and does, indeed, deliver many long and tender kisses to the man whose been fortunate enough to be bathed in them in sleep. As it seems he's had his fill for the moment, her head returns to his shoulder, both finding and giving comfort in resting there, she's.. slipping. "Gon' fish some soon, I think. Bring back some ugly thing and gook it for ya. Use the bones for needles fer leather.." Drool.

Fortunate he is. And he knows it. Through and through. Another day, it'll fill him with pride. His Tav. Tonight, he feels humble. And resolves again, once Tavaly is settled over him, head towards his shoulder, that he's going to make it all right. Somehow. "Fish." The rider's brows raise briefly, and then he's grinning up at the ceiling as he senses the girl's body relaxing into sleep. Her back is rubbed lightly, encouraging this. This is about as much sleeping together as they've done in a long time, and he'll accept it gratefully. "Sounds good, dear Tav." He closes his eyes, ready to let sleep come when it does. "Love you, dear Tav. Everything 'bout you." Eck. He'll just accept that wet on his pillow too. It's still Tav.
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