Hello LJ. Long time no see. Sorry about that. Here are some the entries from my other journal. It's long and maybe boring so I'll understand if you skip or skim. :)
things I didn't know
Written Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
Stuffed bell peppers are really, really good. I've never made them before. I wanted to do them in the slow cooker but they didn't fit, so I baked them in the oven at 250F for about 5 hours. They were really, really, really good, like yummy meatballs baked in roasted peppers.
Pat Robertson believes that witches bless/curse candy at Halloween to trick good Christians into becoming witches and Satanists. I believe that Satan is more important to Pat Robertson than he is to me. Or that he can't resist candy and is looking for a reason not to eat any. Idiot.
Sometimes just letting kids do things helps them figure out why there are routines and rules. Tiana experimented with not eating breakfast yesterday. When she came home from school she said that not eating breakfast was a pretty bad idea. I agreed.
Blue jays and cardinals
Written Thursday, November 12th, 2009
like to eat the bird seed and peanuts in my backyard and this makes me very happy.
Sometimes compound words like bird seed and backyard bug me because I can't figure out if they're a compound word or just two words in juxtaposition.....
I'm making apple crisp today. I will use lots of cinnamon and the smell in my kitchen will remind of my grandmothers' kitchens.
I went to the endocrinologist this week and she wasn't as mean to me as I thought she'd be. I need more blood tests :P and I'm on another medication but.... I don't need insulin yet which is what I was afraid of. I need to exercise more regularly but she was hopeful by my test results.
I had my first mammogram and bone density test. Results were good on both fronts. I need to figure out how to get enough calcium since I'm lactose intolerant and dairy makes my stomach churn sometimes, even with the enzyme pills. I take calcium/magnesium supplements but the doctor wants at least some of my calcium to come from food.....
Oh and in other news, I have an interview with Social Services in Toronto on December 4th. Start crossing your fingers. :)
avarice and greed
Written Monday, November 16th, 2009
We went to the Santa Claus Parade yesterday and it was fun! I've never seen the parade live, I've only ever seen it on TV. We were up on a balcony so I was almost eye to eye with Santa. It was so COOL! Tiana enjoyed it but I think Bonnie and I enjoyed it more. :D
Tiana wanted to wear a very short skirt and tank top to school today. Her school has a dress code which makes it pretty clear that these items of clothing are not okay in the classroom. I got so frustrated when she stomped away from me to change her clothes that I decided to have her live with the consequences of her decision and let her wear the outfit to school. We'll see if she gets spoken to or if she'll get a pass because she's generally a good kid.
I'm feeling a bit.... grey, I guess. Even with the interview coming up, I'm having a hard time feeling positive. I know I'll get over it but.... :P
creamed vegetables
Written Monday, November 23rd, 2009
are really, really nasty.... Martha's making creamed spinach and buttermilk mashed potatoes and I can feel my gag reflex kicking up. :P
I just can't imagine eating creamed, slimy, mushy foods. Emeril's brining a turkey in cider and that's making my tummy think happy thoughts.
I rented Coraline on Blu-ray and OMG! It's so beautiful! I love Henry Selick. His vision is just amazing.
I'm not sure I mentioned that we got an HD TV and blu-ray player a month or so ago. It's sort of self indulgent but I really like how sharp and bright the picture is on this TV. It's a Toshiba and it's beautiful.
I've been doing coffee alchemy recently, buying a bunch of different coffee beans and grinding up blends. Since it takes about a half a cup of beans to make a mug of coffee, and that's about 8 tablespoons I've been making 4, 5 and 6 coffee blends by the tablespoon. Most of the blends have been okay and I'm having fun.
I need to unframe my degrees and get them photocopied for my interview next week. There's been a bit of scandal here recently with fake degrees so I guess HR departments are getting serious about credentials. I don't mind except for having to figure out how to get the frames apart. :)
Did anyone know that Steven Seagal's been a sherriff's deputy in Louisiana for 20 years? I'm sort of surprised, though I guess I shouldn't be since he's such an alpha male. A&E's doing a show on him and I'm sort of horribly fascinated. See for yourself.
http://www.aetv.com/steven-seagal-lawman/ Movies
Written Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
I took Tiana to see New Moon yesterday. It was okay, but that's about all I can say about it. It seemed like an action movie trapped in a vampire romance.
I am now going to give up any credibility I might have as a geek.... I (finally) saw The Watchmen and I didn't really like it. I thought it was too long and sagged in a few places. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, but there it is.
I also tried to watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull..... I was so disappointed I can't even tell you. It was like someone wrote fanfic from the first three movies, which got turned into a graphic novel, which was turned into a TV series that someone made into a movie. Blech.
I am looking forward to Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes. Tim Burton is never a bad idea.
the interview
Written Monday, December 7th, 2009
was kind of surreal. I feel like we spent more time talking about my references and my degrees than we did about the work. :P Of course, it's the City and it's a huge bureaucracy so I was interviewed by HR people not social workers. I don't know whether I passed the oral interview portion but I have a feeling that the fact that they can't talk to my last supervisor (because she quit) is making them nervous. It's no wonder that people in the social service system feel like numbers - the City treat their workers like numbers, too.
We saw Eric Peterson at a reading of A Christmas Carol and he remembered us from last year! I felt proud of standing out. :) We had him sign our playbills from his play Billy Bishop Goes to War and he was thrilled that we'd taken Tiana and that we'd all enjoyed it.
We're getting a storm tomorrow (from Nevada - thanks so much LAS VEGAS!)
Written Thursday, December 10th, 2009
It's the time of year when my feet are always cold..... :P I indulged in some fuzzy warm socks and they're helping.
I offered to bake some goodies for an event on Sunday so I'm making parmesan rosemary shortbread and crunchy chocolate caramel squares. I also bought some mincemeat and there may be pie in my future.
I have addresses for some of you but if anyone else would like a card from me send me your digits - ravenverde AT gmail DOT com.
I will send cards but if you don't get them before Christmas, you'll understand, right?
No news on the interview front.... I don't know if that's good or bad.
and a reward for reading all the way to the end of this update.... BACON JAM RECIPE!
Bacon Jam
An Original Recipe by Not Quite Nigella
•500grams/1 pound smoked bacon (or use regular bacon and liquid smoke)
•4 cloves garlic, chopped
•1 medium brown onion sliced
•3 tablespoons brown sugar
•Tabasco sauce (according to taste)
•1 cup coffee
•1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
•1/4 cup maple syrup
•Black pepper to taste
•extra water
1. In a non stick pan, fry the bacon in batches until lightly browned and beginning to crisp. Using a pair of scissors cut into 1 inch pieces.
2. Fry the onion and garlic in the rendered bacon fat on medium heat until translucent.
3. Transfer the bacon, onion and garlic into a heavy based cast iron pot and add the rest of the ingredients except for the water. Simmer for 2 hours adding 1/4 of a cup of water every 25-30 minutes or so and stirring.
4. When ready, cool for about 15-20 minutes and then place in a food processor. Pulse for 2-3 seconds so that you leave some texture to the “jam” or of course you could keep whizzing and make it a smoother and more paste like.
I haven't made this yet, but seriously BACON JAM!!!! I think this may end up on our table for Christmas. :)