Well, aside from the fact that I am still upset about the whole "no one felt like telling me until much later" ordeal, I am an aunt now (a mommy and an aunt a little more than a month apart... can we be done with babies now?).
I've been trying to distance myself from the situation until I can really calm down about it, so when Tom told me his mom had sent him pictures, I really didn't give a damn, as awful as that is to say. Sorry, she has time to take and email pictures but not time to send a two word, 8-letter text to say "baby girl"?
Unfortunately for me, Tom knows all my weaknesses.
"Honey! Your niece-in-law has a FAT FACE!"
Open mouth. Insert foot. Repeat until the giggles and name-calling urges subside.
...I couldn't resist. Call me a horrible person. I won't deny it. There's something incredibly funny to me about fat and/or ugly babies, just because everyone always says that there's no such thing as an ugly baby. Trust me. They exist. And maybe, just maybe, I AM biased towards my own child, but THANK GOD MINE CAME OUT CUTE.
Anyway. The 8lb, 9oz, 20 1/2in long porky face's name is Tessa Antoinette. It's okay if you laugh. I did. And then said something to the effect of "who the fuck names their kid something that ridiculous?! Do they WANT her to be teased?! OMG!" Then again, somehow I just KNEW she'd name her kid something wacked out. Kinda like I just KNEW it was going to be a girl, even though they refused to find out. Ahem.
Before all this happened, I was really, really excited to go down and visit and see the new baby and lavish attention all over the new mommy... not so much anymore. Right now I'm not even sure I want to see them at Thanksgiving. And while I know that sentiment will blow over by then, I'm really not planning on not being childish about this at any point. All I ask for in life is a little common courtesy, and it hurts me that I can't even seem to get that from my family some days.