Feb 18, 2021 20:08
Some misunderstandings are inevitable and they can really mess up the personal understanding of oneself. There are people in our life that matter a lot and who's opinion can be so important that it's crazy! We attach to those as to Master visionaries and want to suppoer them with our attention and devotion. However, they are only people and they too may have their own weaknesses and hardships. It is important to keep a safe distance for both and it means every one living their own choices out...
I've lost a friend.
Recently. No, she's alive but I've lost her to her misinterpritations and fun-making. It feels as if we're going to go our different ways from now on and little by little do I detatch from the idea of working together.
It's very very sassy to think that someone can live for us. Well, onnly I can live for myself and walk my decisions.
Now, on to the answering those Questions.
How to register the desire to give up yet hold on and keep believing and
How to keep on seeing the true visioin and saving dedication?
It takes a character, what can I say. That's as simple is that.
Building a character, however, can be tricky and chalenging and the longer a human lives the more contradictory fractals does he approach. Staying totally alone in this is not okay, you gotta find someone to share your mind, your whinings, even your habit to reexpress violence if there is such a thing in your system...