A demon can get into real trouble, doing the right thing.

May 07, 2012 13:05

1. Aziraphale taught Crowley how to walk when he first stopped being a snake, because he just kept falling over and smiting someone as wobbly as a newborn foal didn't seem very sporting.

2. The last time Crowley was actually physically violent was a few hundred years ago when a village collectively decided to burn Aziraphale as a witch. Burning did happen, eventually, but on a rather more broad scale.

3. Aziraphale gave the whole 'pets' thing a try once, to understand people better. Three days later he was sniffling on Crowley's doorstep with a bowl full of dead goldfish and a confused expression.

4. The only time Aziraphale ever lets his books get untidy and improperly stacked (mind the spines! books are delicate, Crowley!) is when Crowley gets dragged back to hell for 'retraining', and Aziraphale just sits and frets for weeks.

5. Crowley kept the next lot of goldfish alive for forty-one years on expensive fishflakes and unadulterated fear. They knew what was good for them.

6. During the Blitz Crowley spent more time on top of Aziraphale's bookshop with a baseball bat knocking flare-bombs back than he did spreading discord in the trenches, but don't tell Aziraphale that.

7. Contrary to popular belief, Aziraphale invented sunglasses. But don't tell Crowley that.

(totes adding more and making this post prettier when I get back from uni ahahaha my priorities)
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