they tell me i'm not dead

Mar 03, 2012 14:25

I haven't posted here since forever and I didn't even realise, because I actually went and started typing out stuff about a dozen times, then realised no one but me could possibly give the slightest step-child of a damn about it so I stopped. And then the first week back at university, etc etc. I am so very not recalibrated for actually doing shit. Holidays, come back to me.

Also I am watching Boondock Saints now instead of studying, because irradiant is a lovable bad influence.



I'm trying to wrangle a six-month university exchange, and while I'm aggressively/pleadingly emailing the law faculty co-ordinator to rearrange my subjects to make that possible, I've been running over the list of options that have a law-agreement with my university. (If this sounds familiar, I was gonna do it about a while ago. Then my parents decided to do the dramatic split thing, so stuff got delayed.)

Does anyone happen to know anything about: University of Leeds (UK), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Mannheim (Germany), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Lund University and Uppsala University (Sweden), Pace University
(USA)? Because I don't and wiki is providing me with interesting "founded in the 1400's" facts but not, like, any clue about if they're any good or in a fun place to live etc.

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