Dear Diary,
My friends asked me to fill in for their non-pro indoor netball team.
I do not know the rules of netball but they said they could fix that and then they gave me vodka.
It was the best game ever.
(I still don't know how one achieves an "obstruction" but apparently waving arms or walking or moving at all or breathing and being alive on the court can all result in that if you are me)
Also this one friend who wouldn't know a football if it hit him in the face bought me the official FC Barca calendar just because "he saw it and thought of me" a.k.a he is a beautiful soul and I love him
My brother had his wisdom teeth out and as the anaesthetic was wearing off he looked at me very seriously and said "I feel like I hate everything right now." And then he thought for a while and added "but I think that's just me, not the drugs." Me: "Yeah, I think so." Him: "Did I walk in here?" Me: "No, you're still on the drip, in the bed." Him: "Oh. How am I feeling?" Me: "There is literally nothing in the world that you don't hate right now." Him: *grinning like he just remembered something* "Yep."
We have a ~wavelength.