Hmm... Since I'm back in the writing mood.

Dec 17, 2010 20:02

Years ago, I had quite a few fics going on Unforunately my mother passed in September 2005, and after that I think I updated each of them once and then fell off. That was the same time that I dropped out of college because I wasn't going to class, and generally I lost interest in just about everything.

Since I've been back into writing again, it seems only fair that I should finish up some of these old fics. But now I have the somewhat difficult job of a) remembering where I was going with them, and b) coming up with the rest of them.

But it does seem unfair that I haven't updated these stories in almost five years. After I finish my Arthur/Ariadne fic, I think that I'm going to start trying to build chapters for these old stories. Wish me luck.

If any one is interested, here's links to the stories. They are all NC-17/M, so be forewarned:

Who's the Boss?
A Yu-gi-oh fic, Jou/Kaiba.
The only bit of slash I've ever written. I enjoy it though, because in my mind I don't making characters gay if it's completely OOC, but those boys all seem like a bunch of fruits to me. :P

Neverland is Forever
Peter Pan fic, Peter/Original Female character. Written because if Peter came and took -me- away, I wouldn't have gone back.

Once Bitten...
Smallville fic, Chloe/Lex
Funny enough, I'm not a huge Smallville fan. I stopped watching mostly after the second season. But I really like Micheal Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex Luthor, and that's mostly what got me writing.

Naruto fic Sakura/Kabuto, with non-con Kabuto/Kakashi
Actually this is finished, sort of. It's a story completely unto itself, but I always meant to have two "prequels" of sorts, that show -how- Sakura got the way she is.

Ah well. Here's hoping inspiration stays with me!
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