Hope everyone's having a good morning.
Life is good here as I just got the new router set up at Beverly's. My laptop, iPad, and uPhone all connect nice and easy now. I told Bev that with the new router she can now take her Nook upstairs and connect from her bedroom. She was happy.
We went to dinner with my family last night. As usual there was more food than could be devoured. We took home more leftovers than ever before.
My daughter brought my grandson and even through all the problems with the cancer he's in great spirits. They head back to New York the beginning of next month for the follow up exam. I'm hoping it's good news.
Today it's dinner with her family. Lots of running around today. I'm so glad I have the rest of the week off.
But with dinner tonight we may not get to watch Doctor Who's Christmas special tonight. By the time we get home it will be late. So we're thinking that we won't get to watch it till tomorrow.
Beverly got the bestest present ever from her friend Nancy. I definitely want one of these for myself.
Hope everyone has a good holiday...
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