Before car shopping this weekend (a task I HATE), Bob asked what I was looking for...I told him to wrap me in steel and airbags. This little beauty is what we drove home in!
It rides like a dream and feels like I have a tank around me. I love it! It's the metal version of a big hug from Bob, leaves me feeling safe and secure. After getting new wheels for mom...out little one got some pretty spiffy wheels himself.
This tops off a banner week of my birthday on Thursday. It wasn't that I did anything particularly fun & interesting, it's just that I turned 35 and have all I could possibly want in life. I have a great job, a giving husband, a child in the making, a great house and a balanced sense of self. Bring on 40! Life only has wonderful things ahead for me, I'm excited to see them come into fruition. Next goal is getting my dog treats up and profitable!
What else is going on?
I'm now at 8 weeks and counting before we finally get to meet our son. My tummy is creeping past my toes and I feel constant motion from him. It's a line backer in the making! It's humbling to think I helped make this person, this sort of alien thing inside me that will soon be a person I can hold. I can't wait to see where his life will take him, what things he will see and what new things he will teach me.
These next few weeks I'm sure will fly by, like my whole pregnancy has, soon I too will know what it's like to actually give birth. Man, talk about a life accomplishment for me, this one ranks up there hovering close to #1. Aside from always making my husband feel loved and fulfilled, the birth of our son is almost equal to that goal. Think I'll head off for a little walk and let those thoughts sink in a little more. I like the way they're resonating within me and I want to take a moment to fully feel them. Enjoy yourself today!