(no subject)

Feb 12, 2007 10:32

After 2 weeks of being sick, then a crazy week at work...I've finally been able to post an entry. Jenny, for you after long last, although this picture is outdated as well it's something.

My Mom & I in NYC at Lincoln Center before seeing the Nutcracker.

The next morning at Rockerfeller Center after standing outside at the Today Show, it was so windy!!

Across from Ground Zero at the Fire Station (this was for my Hubby of course)

View at dusk of Manhattan from the top of the Empire State Building. So cool how it's still completely deco inside.

I have some more tummy shots on my camera that need to be uploaded to my home computer. Once I do that, you'll all be able to see just how big I am! This is going to be one big boy!

Have a great week!

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