I just read a bunch of comments on a friend's post where they all basically said that "church was boring so I stopped going", and then went on to talk about how they aren't clear on what they believe and other such things. I wrote a comment about it, but it was way longer than 4300 characters, so it wouldn't let me post the comment. I decided to
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1. you're talking about numbers. that's old testament. lotta stuff changed when jesus came to town.
2. in order to be a christian, there is only one requirement: belief and acceptance of jesus as the savior. all the rest of the stuff - being a good person type stuff - that's supposed to simply become more obvious through the acceptance of jesus.
2) And this is where my beliefs differ than others. I'm not as focused on the life and times of Jesus as I am on the morals/guidelines ("The Pirate code: they're more like guidelines anyway!") provided through the doctrine. Also, I have a big hang up on the forgiveness... I'll ask for it when I feel I deserve it, and that isn't today. To be forgiven for past transgressions you should feel remorse/sorry for them otherwise it is an empty forgiveness... I'm still mulling over some of my past life. It's something I personally have to get past.
1) When Jesus died, he created a new covenant with us. If someone believes the Bible literally, as even I do, they will believe it when it says that everything changed. Yes, laws/rules changed at that point. When Jesus said his death would bring a new covenant.
2) It is true that you have to truly repent. Simply praying a simple prayer doesn't do squat. In fact, some of my studies lately have talked about how we've erroneously started saying that everyone should just "pray the prayer" and they'll be saved. In reality it requires real repentance and giving your life over, which is no easy decision to make.
As far as the morals/guidelines part, I'm curious why you give it more weight than his other teachings?
2) ya - that's part of a for-real acceptance of jesus.
3) i like it when people believe SOMETHING. shows they're thinking about stuff. i like it when people think.
Forgiveness was there. The Israelites had to make an alter and sacrifice a clean lamb and ask for forgiveness in that way. The shedding of the blood's lamb was the sacrifice given in repentance for their sins. They did this often. When Jesus came and died on the cross, he became the "ultimate lamb," meaning that no one had to sacrifice the lambs anymore because Jesus was the sacrifice and paid in full all the sins that had been and that would be. But in order to receive this forgiveness, you need to believe in who He is.
re hypocrites: although they bug the cr@p out of me too, i just try to remember that no one is perfect. and the whole point of christianity is the recognition that no one is perfect. so it's not fair to expect someone to be perfect just cuz she's a christian.
2) re worship: i think worship can help a person to grow in the other areas. i adore worship, but it's not just cuz it's fun to sing - it's cuz it reminds me of the big lessons.
father, son, and holy ghost - one in three "persons." it's all god to me, just different purposes for each.
out of steam
Everyone has different questions about their faith/beliefs. There are a lot of intersections, but what one person takes on blind faith, another may doubt and doubt forever. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a faith person... I need questions answered in order to accept things. And this goes back to the origin of my "church is boring" comment. The church did not answer the questions I have because I was not in a good scenario to find answers to MY particular questions. So I decided to put my faith on the shelf for a while and wait until I matured enough to understand my own questions. And when I was ready, I would go in search of those answers. You made that effort on your own a long time ago. I'll make that effort eventually. I'm not normally a procrastinator (okay, except for the dissertation), but I do realize that soul-searching can be a consuming process at times and I need to clear time (and a clear mind) to do it.
a random aside: i think jesus was like a hippie and would dig asheville for all its variety of people.
As far as judging goes....we're all judged by God, and we're all guilty. Every single one of us deserves hell. That's the bottom line. So it's not that I walk around judging people, it's that I walk around knowing what I know and wanting to help those that I love. I'm not the one saying that we deserve to go to hell--the Bible says that. Any hatred that is brought into it comes from our human side. If I truly hated someone I wouldn't want them to be saved, and I'd spare myself the effort and uncomfortableness of talking to them about it.
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