Mar 19, 2006 18:26
Live Journal Entry! Hello again everyone. I wish there was some big angsty reason why I haven't written here for 3 months, but there really hasn't been one - a combination of not a huge amount happening and some dissociation with writing normal things in LJ. That may or may not change, but for now an entry about minamicon is on the cards.
Instead of a step-by-step entry or anything I'll probably just write about the things that took my interest. First was seeing a whole bunch of cool people again. In no particular order:
Ian - once again thanks for the crash pad. Good to see you're moving on so well =) And issues are more or less resolved, so don't go worrying about that.
Dom - Your snoring may be reminiscent of a steamroller(WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY), but that wsas one of the most epic magic games ever played. (Yeah, we played magic at an anime convention. So sue us.)
Elise - 'tis always fun meeting you around various places, just a shame you missed me being a loony at the karaoke =(
Charlene - Hope your first anime convention experience didn't break you too much, although there's not much danger of that as you were more into it (plus the excellent cosplay!) than I was...
Rich - It's good to see your ability to rant about exactly nothing hasn't been affected by your sudden scottish affliction. It was brilliant seeing you again.
Bro - Was excellent as always meeting you in yet another geeky position... Mai Peesu and Sakura Saku got showed what they were about.
Southampton Alex - You, sir, are a truly solid individual. My feet thank you profusely! Was good to find a fellow J-rock fan, especially one who knows more about the subject than me =)
Andy - Another year, another successful games room... Good to see you made it despite past qualms.
Charlie - Excellent seeing you again, albiet briefly and inebriatedly... Here's hoping you'll remember who I am this time!
Eric - You will probably remain one of the most unique individuals I've met for quite a while. Here's hoping your breasts don't get you fired...
Hmm... think that's about it. Apologies if anyone got missed in the flood of games, singing and alcohol.
Actual stuff that happened at the con? The highlights for me, at least in terms of things that can actually be described, were the party, auction, and the karaoke. Stupid dancing to cheesy anime music will remain a guilty hobby of mine for a long time, provided I can persuade other people to get in on the fun too. The pre-disco party had rather more effort put into it this year than in previous cases, involving such joys as Pin the Tail on the Cat Girl, Anime twister, Iron Cosplay (involving people having 2 minutes to make fat old committee members look like magical girls/giant robots/miscellaneous gribblies from cardboard boxes, duct tape and the like), Noodle slurping competitions (which I really wanted to join in on but they ran out of noodles), and other various bits of sillyness.
3 hours of crazy dancing later, and we disappeared off home for friday night. Saturday was defined by the plushie cull, a rather smaller-scale affair than last year, but still maintained awesomeness by featuring full-size english longbows with giant foam-headed arrows for extra carnage, and the auction. Which was silly, primarily due to the... unique sense of humour of the auctioneer. Items included:
The storybook for an episode of Samurai Champloo, complete with notes from the authors, little sketches of where the scenes matched together. Very unique item, went for £150.
A Negima Towel (which began the "Surprise Bumsex Face" theme of the evening), featuring a pair of the girls from the series generally looking slinky. Advertised as the pervert towel, until the actioneer realised this was likely to lower interest overall. His clever cover up? "If you buy this, it'll actually be evidence that you're an anime fan that knows how to wash." Brilliant.
A pair of big Mokona Plushies (Question from the hall - "Do they vibrate?" Creepy, creepy people out there). And more Surprise Bumsex faces, both pre- and post-natal. Went for £100 for the pair, despite the fact that they were available from the dealers room earlier in the day for £15 each, which gives me a great idea for a moneymaking scheme.
And the world's most annoying alarm clock, which squeals in a high-pitched japanese voice at you until you force it to shut up, preferably with a hammer.
Regardless of all these silly goings on, some anime was actually watched - Stratos 4, which looks rather funky and spacey despite the fanservice, and Komugi-chan, the only anime I have to date discovered containing a battle against THE ENTIRETY OF 4CHAN, are the ones that have stuck best in my mind from their selection, which interestingly contained only liscenced titles, a move against fansubbers letting work become so easily available.
Alright, that's all I got for now - gotta get myself to a meal. Speak to folks later!