Nicotine withdraw and hunter S thompson

Jul 15, 2007 18:49

Right, well two days back off the fags, and I have not killed anyone, Although there may have been ranting at people trying to induct me into the BNP,  fuck nuggets I hates them.

The thing about quite weekends, is I am never quite sure what to do with myself, This weekend was swimming, in that generally the way I figure it, if my muscles actually hurt that much in my arms that I cannot live a ciggy then it is a good thing. Although it make driving back from the swimming baths fun, If screaming pedestrians is fun..

Hmm went shopping and saw many things that i liked, which was good until I checked my bank balance, at which point I shat just a liltle and buggered off home to check my back balance, anyway an hour and half phone call with a very attractive lady later, I realised I had not checked my bank account, checked it, and it appears thatt all my bills came out early this month. For some reason I have mid month bills. Why the fuck they come out mid month as opposed to the start of the month has always confused me. I supposed I should get them changed but I am really not that organised. So yes I could have bought the shinies, but I have decided to save my pennies for fun and hijinks in the hull area. But there is always next weekend, yes next weekend. Although saying that i may go and do a local tour of people I know.

Hull in two weeks time I suspect it will be a mostly gentile weekend of visiting galleries, talking about the social political necessities of post communism russia, and making an ass of myself.  which to be fair happens fairly often enough that I am almost immune to it. Two weekends of hull should be good. In fact very good, potentially. i ramble listen to me ramble...

Finally got around to watching severance. Hmm it was certainly chucklesome, but not quite as good as it could have been, some things seemed to be missing that little spark of out right comedic violence that i enjoy. Ho hum.

JD apparently has very old photos of me, back in the days of yore, and when I say the days of yore, we are talking when dinosaurs ruled the earth and I was 20. No you dirty fucking bitches I am not worried why JD has pictures of me for that age.  Have to admit there is a certain curiosity to see what I looked like back then.

Oooh, I wonder what would happen If kehoe aged 32 bumped into kehoe aged 20, i would soooo kick his ass in anything apart from using two swords. In fact i think I would just kick his ass, because frankly I always deserve a kicking, and back then I probably didn't realise it.. Yeah he would have the strength, but frankly I would beat him like a fucking ginger haired step son, and probably tell him to concentrate more at uni, and the slapper dresses as a kender is such a bad fucking idea... :D

Unfortunatly i do not think I know any of you from back then,  so you cannot comment on essentially the battle of the 90's. I will probably try and give Davo a ring, and see what he says.  Ahh JD I ask him now and he says

"you now - easily - you're fitter, more experienced, and have harnessed your inner anger and rage and are able to channel it better now"

Now all I need is a time travel machine, some gaffa tape, and claw hammer. The bitch is going down, plus it's good and perfectly legal,

I sooo need fucking nicotine right now. ...

I am also spilling loads of filth with people over live journal which is always amusing. Well amusing for me.
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