Wet day

Sep 29, 2010 07:42

Anyway it is not twenty to eight and I am sitting here with my coffee having just linked up facebook and twitter. It is almost as if I have caught up to the year 2007.

What with being knackered from running, and staying up late (for me), I suspect I am going to have to double check everything I do at work today. ce la vie.

Anyway, yeah I am running and slowly cutting down on the ciggies again. The more I cut down on the ciggies the less it hurts. hopefully at some point it will reach a stage where I am running and not smoking. It may happen. Why running, need cardio. Heart problems are bad. Not running huge distance, just regular.

Possibly going to be running a DH game at some point for some of the less crippled people I know. Why, well its either that or x-factor, and I might end up enjoying it, and thus wont be able to slag it off anymore.
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