Apr 05, 2006 16:28
name: october
hair: green
eyes: long, black
wiegth:not sure but im a pleasently curvy babe
sexual prefrence:often
location: at boyfriends desk in boyfriends house in the central area of tucson, az,us, world, universe!
wearing:gray sweats, tight black shirt, green rope bracelet and hair in a bun
favorite color: green
favorite animal: cats, butterflys
favorite snack: hot cheetos
favorite food: mexican food
favorite condiment: hot sauce
favortie restuarant: dennys
favorite tv show: none
favorite movie: saw, saw2, terminators 1&2, teenage mutant ninja turtles, all 4 leathal weapons, true lies, the dark crystal, dune, the labrinth, identity, ghost world, there are more i knoe it i just cant think of them
words to live by: everybody is somebodys wierdo
favorite quote: suburbia, where they cut down tree and name streets after them
fav quote2: body by nautilas, brain by mattel
fav instruction manuel mistake: how to close stroller, first take baby out
fav stupid commercial: you know those commercials for depression medication, and during the commercial they tell you the medication will relieve of tiredness, worries thots, blah, blah, blah...and then at the end of the commercial they say, "warning may cause suicidal tendencies"
"warning sleeping pill may cause drowiness"
fav subject in elementery school: luch, and recess
fav subject in middle school: ditching
fav subject in highschool: seeing the inside of my eyelids every day instead of dragging myself out of bed every morning
fav music: classic rock, well everything xept for rap
fav books: white oleander by janet fitch
fav author: non-specific
if i could be anywhere right now it would be: in the middle of a cold oregon beach on a rainy day with chris all alone making love
fav posistion: me on top
im running out of ideas... why dont you all ask me some questions i will anwser honestly, and i would love some good questions.....