Aug 23, 2005 10:55
last night i was hanging out with Alex Noce and we were just driving around UFO and Ghost hunting when we found ourselves but down in the Andresen area. We were at the stop light like two away from the Krispy Kreme and we were listening to The Doors "The End" when Alex looked in his rearview mirror and was like "Oh Shit". I braced myself. We got rearended by some one and we pulled to the side of the road and they liek speed up and it looked like they were going to hit us again. the person looked like a grizzled guy with wavy hair. so we sped up the way and pulled over again and they pulled up behind us. It ended up being some rock ass lady and she was like "it's ok, it's ok" she didn't really know what to do like she didn't ask if we were ok or anything and she didn't have her insurance ready or anything. Well, i called the Cops and they sent medical but we were alright and they didn't need to look at us we were just shaky. The lady got taken to jail and well thats pretty much it. except the car that everyone refers to as a pussy car barely took any damage. the rear end was scratched and the hood doesn't close all of the way but it laches. Her cars front was all smashed to shit, like the lights were all busted out and her hood was all bent. crazy shit. we kept saying that atleast she hit us and we weren't hurt and not t-bone some one that was driving through the intersection.