Dec 08, 2004 02:35
if you've read Heather's journal you know whats going on. If not heres the scoop. Our fucking toilet is clogged...and it's driving me nuts. i'm about to burn the whole mutha down. I've been goin in with the plunger every so often and the water is going down abit, but earlier there wasn't any water in the toilet so i flushed it and it over flowed...I even went as fucking far as putting a garbage bag over my arm and sticking it in there, no dice. I have to go to teh hardware store tomorrow if this doesn't clear up and get a few tools. if that doesn't work we're fuckin up our asses. we'll probably have to pay for a plumber and we don't have that kind of money...I looked it up online and a bunch of managers n' shit make their tenants pay for it. it can cost up to three hundred dollars...fuckin god damn.
On top of this i've been playing Final Fantasy Tactics alot lately...well yeah so i get to the last part of the game and if you save you can't go back and do any of the other stuff. so when i get there and i couldn't remember if it was the last string of battles so i decided that i didn't wanna save. i play it and i realize it is the last ones and there was alot of shit that i still wanted to do. SO i lose a battle on purpose so i can go and do that shit and i found out i saved right at the begining of i'm stuck. It was a waste of 20+ i have to start a new fucking game just so i can do the stuff that i've never done. oh and that stuff is all in the last chapter which is the end of the game...sweet.