Title: Wrong lives Authour: Dana Pairing: Sasuke&Madara x Itachi Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Yaoi, angst, non beta, crack, ooc.... Genre: Angst, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
WOW!!! sasuke DOES happen to make a much better seme than itachi. not that itachi is a horrible seme or anything! anyway... i love this! X__x i can't beleive how some people can read this and be like "OMGWTF? SICKO!!!" a little uchihacest never hurt anything!!!
Uchihacest is, I think, the only incest pairing I like. X3 I'm ok with almost all, yaoi, yuri, het. I don't like shota that much and I don't like loli one bit. But I never call people who like it sick... ^_^ Thank you! I'm glad you liked the fic! ;) I'll be writing more Itachi-uke short fics. <3 You should join the Itachi-uke community I opened. the link is right under the fic. hehehehe~
Comments 17
was well written!
Thank you! *hugs real tight* <3
I dunno ._.
my general interest in manga and such has faded but my obsession for yaoi has not, lol 8D
Good Itachi-uke fics are so hard to find.
Which is extremely sad beacouse I relly love it T_T
If more people liked short fics I would actually write more. ^_^'''
sasuke DOES happen to make a much better seme than itachi. not that itachi is a horrible seme or anything!
anyway... i love this! X__x
i can't beleive how some people can read this and be like "OMGWTF? SICKO!!!" a little uchihacest never hurt anything!!!
I'm ok with almost all, yaoi, yuri, het. I don't like shota that much and I don't like loli one bit. But I never call people who like it sick... ^_^
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the fic! ;) I'll be writing more Itachi-uke short fics. <3 You should join the Itachi-uke community I opened. the link is right under the fic. hehehehe~
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