Title: Angel... maybe not
Authour: Dana
Pairing: Zero x Shou (+D'espairsRay+ & alice nine.)
Rating: NC-17 really!!!!
Warnings: Yaoi, angst, non beta, kinky sex, crack...
Genre: Angst, yaoi
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
Written for:
konbon_person (
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do you know chantrea_johari? maybe you want to read about how she embbed this kink exemplary in her writing, for example her sexual beasts saga. ^_^
However when I sent it to my friend to reread it, just because I never post yaoi without him reading, him being gay and all. He reminded me of very important thing: most people who read fanfiction are very young. So I kinda freaked out and even thought about not posting the thing at all. But I promised Ren a fic so I had to, and since it's fic for someone I wasn't too sure if she would enjoy the real "erotic asphyxiation" fic.
Yeah, I did in the end take a nice dark fic and completely ruined it... I know and to some extent I regret it. After all I'm a girl who wrote two long mpreg fics.... But it's ok, I can always write new fiction. ^_^ There will always be a need in me to write the dark & the angsty & the kinky. <3
So that's why~
Yeah it would not make much sense to write a fic for someone with a topic about which you know that the other doesn't like (or are not sure)
It's true that many readers are very young, I tend to forget that myself ^^'
But if you label your fanfiction properly (like you did) there is no need to freak out, I think. If you continue to write about this I'd be interested in reading more from you ^_^
I have written fics before and I shall write again. ^_^ <3 *whisper* one of the first fics I wrote had some kinky stuff in it (not the mpreg) and I got totally flamed on some sites... That whole thing has left a bitter aftertaste, so know I know that even with clear warnings there are some who tend to read what they don't approve of and then take their rage out on authors... >_>''' people can be so limited sometimes...
btw your layout is hawt <3
*kisu* ^,~
he's so hot^^
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