Feb 01, 2008 18:52
Wow what a scam. So next year, right, TV will be broadcast digitally, so everyone will need a converter box who doesn't already get digital cable. That's NEXT YEAR. I called RCN tonight to cancel the landline phone service Dustin got for some inexplicable reason, and the lady on the phone wanted me to get the converter box now.
I'm all for getting it early. But the government is issuing coupons to people to buy converter boxes FREE. RCN wants to charge me the low low price of $2.95 per month to rent one, when it's not even mandated until next year.
Thing is... I bet a lot of people who aren't informed about this fall for it and end up paying all kinds of money to rent something they don't even need for another year. I did the research for my Grandmother and she should be getting her coupons soon.