Jul 30, 2005 21:15
you know, i really don't understand the fact that everyone was all like "get a new lj and start using it!" and now no one is updating theirs but me. it's sad, really. i wrote letters to people from camp and sent them today. seth came over this morning and helped with yard work and... stuff. we took out the fire ring in the fire pit and put in the new one. that was a hoot....not. then we watched man of the house. that's a really good movie. then we watched pirates of the carribean. i can't wait till the next one comes out. i hope it's good. i'm gonna be busy tomorrow. i have to get up and go to church, then i have to mow the lawn, then i have to work on my homework (ah i hate that), then i have to go work at vbs. ew. i have to wear a dumb cowboy hat that doesn't fit me. yay, not. i got through chapter 9 in a farewell to arms. that book is super boring, but i just got through a semi-exciting part where a mortar hit the dugout the narrator was in and his legs got all wounded and stuff. it's still pretty boring, though. i really need to get a move on on my hw. i've only read one book and i haven't written the paper for it yet. if anyone happened to buy the sparknotes for their eyes were watching god, they need to let me borrow them when they're done so i can write my stupid paper. i hated that book. well, that's all i've got to say for now. peace out. wow that sounds dumb when i say it.