Jan 17, 2005 11:19
Hey all...well back yo school for another fun semester at Murray State. I'm pumped and ready and it all hits the fan tomorrow. Have a delima(however you spell it)....met a guy....first relationship....only saw him 2 times before I came to school....distance is a problem. He's a good guy but it will be hard and I've never had a relationship like this before adn because he is reading into our futures to much...I feel its slipping away fro me. 19 years old....live life and have some fun for a while. Be goofy, try new things, make friends, have relationships, all that jazz. Ok...anyways....yesterday loaded all of the crap in the car and came down to Murray. Unloaded all the crap and got most of it put away. Went to dinner with my daddy, Steph, and Liz. It was fun to sit there and yuck it up. Talked to John on the phone some and then I had to run to my Ed Board Meeting. It was pretty fun just laughing about stuff. Then I came back and blahed around the hallway for a while and talked to Steph about stuff. Started to talk to John about some stuff and kinda got into with each other....my first official sort of fight. So I called and talked to him and we didn't even fix anything but whatever...I DON'T CARE!!! Then I went and talked to Amanda for a while cause she needed a friend to talk to...I wuv my girls :) Came back and talked to Steph somemore and then went to sleep. It was a nice day just maxing and relaxing...gotta a hella to do today so have a good one all.