Apr 23, 2005 00:33
Fill out your ABC'S
A - Age you got your first kiss: 19(but I hated it and wish I could take it back)
B - Band listening to right now: sshhh stephs sleeping so no music
C - Crush(es): thats for me to know and you to find out, wink wink
D - Dad's name: Paul Chapman
E - Easiest person to talk to: my mom
F - Favorite band at the moment: Gavin Degraw and Rascal Flatts
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears? worms
H - Hometown: Louisville, KY
I - Instrument: piano
J- Junior High: Kammerer Middle...goooooo
K - Kids: twin girls and a boy
L - Longest car ride ever: here to texas many times...13 hours with my sister
M - Mom's name: Ginger Chapman
N - Nickname: Drea, Smoomoos
O- One wish: To have someone and experience that whole thing
P - Phobias: FEET!!!!
Q - Quote: "I knew I would look back at the tears and laugh but I never thought I would look back at the laughter and cry."
R -Reason to smile: Everything...I got up this morning...thats a great reason and I have a whole day to follow.
S - Song you sang last: Phil Collins-True Colors
T - Time you woke up [today]: 8:15 to get a shower and go to class...ggrrr
U - Unknown fact about me: I can be shy
V - Vegetable you hate: lima beans
W - Worst habit(s): loudness, not getting things done, and i'm sure theres more
X - X-rays you've had: what the hell kind of question is that?
Y - Yummy food: broccolli and cheese
Z - Zodiac sign: Gemini