Feb 17, 2005 17:11
Ok so these past few days have been wonderful minus the whole I liked a guy and he is treating me like crap....thats cool whatever. I don't care I can just add him to my list of guys that have made me cry...go figure. I did however have a great time at the newsroom on Wednesday. We got food to go from Applebees and we sat around and ate it up yo. I told Rashod about my situation and he really couldn't much insight about the whole thing but it made me feel a little better to talk to a guy. He's such a good big bro to me. His new girlfriend to me that she would beat this guy up for me too...gotta love her. Then I went and had my lil sis meeting at the AGR house. Gotta love Liz...she gives me a ride out there everytime and hangs with me and all that stuff...shes the bestest. I'm enjoying myself very much so out there but I don't feel part of the group yet....I guess I will have to give it time and we all have to warm up to each other. Today was a pretty none busy day. Got a few naps in there and some tests and I'm ready for the weekend so I can just relax. Alright everyone have a good one and I'll holla at you lata.