Hey Say Jump What!!!

Oct 01, 2007 01:01

I feel so dense.  Hey Say Jump, I should have know by the name JUMP.  Of course it's volleyball, come on now.
So I guess HSJ will be singing for World Cup Volleyball in 2007.  I guess everyone already knew.  But how come no one in the NEWS community seemed to talk about it?

That means no more NEWS singles for the rest of 2007.  That means no more NEWS singing for volleyball.   I'm kindda sad, no more new Yamapi singing guaranteed every year.  I don't understand, if NEWS, which was formed to promote volleyball, no longer serve the purpose for which it was created, then does that mean JE soon dismantle NEWS?  Can it possibly be solo artists?  Smaller groups of solo?  I give up.  I don't know what to think.

edit:  I ul the cm http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YWNTXGJG
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