long time no post

Aug 18, 2009 00:48

Wow, it'd been a long time since I write anything on lj.  Maybe it's just excuses, but I haven't found any inspiration to draw or paint lately.  Or maybe I know that once I get going, I'd get caught up with drawing that I can't stop and can't get any work done.

This is 1/4 of yamapi's face sketched on a sticky post-it.  It's just that one day I felt like drawing Pi's face so much but didn't want to obsessed over it so I drew it on a post-it.  And now I can't seem to throw this post-it away.  It's stuck there at the corner of my monitor.  I don't know, looking at it for a while, it seems okay, like I sort of capture a corner of yamapi.

Note to self, never, ever again draw yamapi on disposible media.  Yeah, I kept saying that and never follow through with the note ever!!  Or, at least start on a piece of paper large enough so that I could complete the face *sigh*  I never learn. 

yamapi, post-it, drawing

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