Summer '05 is Over. It was good

Sep 05, 2005 20:49

I’m almost in tears as I write this last entry of the summer. The is sun has almost set and everything just so quiet, and it has finally hit me that summer is over and there’s no going back. There is no denying how wonderful this summer was and that I have absolutely no desire to return to school. I’m not ready for change, I don’t want things to be different. If there is one place I can’t stand it’s school, filled with gossiping girls, immature guys, and fakes everywhere. It hasn’t even started and I want it to be over. So much happened this summer that I won’t ever forget. Call me crazy but I have a whole LIST of everything I did everyday this summer. I changed in a lot of ways and I’m happy about them. I’m happy that Autumn and I are super close again and I feel like she is the one person that I can be myself around and talk to about anything. Don’t get me wrong I had a good time with other friends, but there is something about Autumn’s crazy family that noone else can ever compare with. THANKS AUTUMN aka HOMA DA GOOD BUGER =)
  • ~Graduation
  • ~BIGGEST SOFTBALL LOSERS! BEST YEAR OF SOFTBALL EVER. Then going to the beach late at night to swim with AUTUMN!! Haha!
  • ~Summer Cel-BEST YEAR EVER! And memories of NICK!
  • ~Our guard going through rollercoasters of events but muddling through everything. Good Job girls!
  • ~CRAZY BACHELORETTE PARTY. I got closer to Mindy...I love her so much. She’s extra beautiful.
  • ~Getting hooked on LIFETIME, GOLDEN GIRLS, THE NANNY!
  • ~Paige’s party as well as a Pilot house party for older friend
  • ~Little River Casino with my mom, that was so much fun spending time with her. I don’t get to do that much. I don’t think she realizes how much I love her!
  • ~Beachin it all the time/climbing buoys, and swimming wayyy past the poles!
  • ~Bridal showers for Mindy
  • ~PreCamp was a blur and then BAND CAMP! Never worked harder in my life but it was worth it. Way to hang in there all you guard girls and band kids
  • ~Spending time with my wondeful sister, niece, and nephew for two whole weeks. They are amazing kids let me tell you.
  • ~MOST FUN DAY OF THE WHOLE SUMMER----WEDDING!! I’ve never felt so happy. It was perfect. If everyday could be that day, life would be good.
  • ~CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ~MEETING KENNY CHESNEY AND GRETCHEN WILSON AND GOING BACKSTAGE!! ANOTHER GREAT NIGHT! I’m glad I got to spend time with just Nick and Mindy! They’re too wonderful.
  • ~First football game and having everyone over afterwards
  • ~Just this past weekend was a great way to end the summer, had lots of people over and had a blast. I’ve deduced the Andrews’ know great hospitality.

And that’s just SOME of the great things. I’ll have a pic update soon when I get the KC and GW photos back. I have also decided I want to live at the beach. I don’t want to be inside everyday anymore unless it’s going to be at Barnes and Noble. This year is going to be such a big change. Be ready because I’m not caring who says what or does what anymore. I’m going to be who I am as an individual and not as part of the big crowd. That’s boring. Expect to be treated the way you treat me because I am tired of people bitching at me when I have done nothing but nice things for them, and if you don’t like it, then change yourself because I am tired of people (I think I could name a good number) that walk allover me. Anyways, to end this all up, it was truly the perfect summer. Couldn’t have asked for better weather, a better tan, or a better life. The hardest part of summer was honestly was letting go of my brother. He means so much to me and to watching him get married was like saying good-bye to him forever. Sometimes I lie in bed and just wish things could go back to the way they were 10 years ago, where we all lived in the same house. I hate change. Oh, and I wish I could have talked to Cody more too. Now he’s gone. I seem to lose everything at the same time. But I am not going to focus on the bad things in life anymore. Life is too good to sit around dwelling. You gotta take it easy, and take it as it is dished out. God isn’t going to give you more than you can handle. LiFe Is GoOd!!

Good Bye Summer ‘05. All things must pass......

remembering, good times, summer end, '05

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