Jun 12, 2005 19:34
I tried the Mystic tan... it's the spray on. I can't tell if I'm brown or orange... it depends on the lighting. Zea thinks I'm getting orange, not brown... she says that yellow gets orange when it gets darker... bitch.
Poo on evil HIST 106 online.
I need to start studying for my BIOL exam...
I need to get my act together period.
Mariah Carey's new album is awesome... in case I haven't already said that.
The tattoo is healing pretty well.
Family Guy tonight!
I fucked up last night. Way for me to suck. If it concerns you, you'll find out. If it doesn't... don't worry about it.
I'm alienating a lot of people I care about. That's probably not such a good thing to be doing... but whatever. I'm to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore.
I have so much anger...and pizza.
I ate two meals today... plus half a bagel for breakfast and Ruffles for a snack at work. I think this is the most I've eaten in a while. I need to be more healthier. I need to stop being me.
I just took like a 5 hour nap... and I'm still exhausted.
I love working at the tanning salon. I really do. The people are just nice... =) It seems odd that one of the few sources of enjoyment for me right now is my job. But hell, weirder things have happened...
I wish Mike would call me back. I'm worried.
I want to go to Washington D.C. And the rest of Virginia. I want to see the colonial town at Williamsburg... and the Arlington National Cemetary. I want to get lost in the history of this country... back when there were people in charge of the country who knew what the hell they were doing and looked out for the best interests of their people. I just want to get away from the present.
I want to make my own candles. I'm not kidding. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I don't know if there's anywhere here that you can do that at. I'll love you forever if you know somewhere!
I'm so eccentric already.
My room's a mess again. How does this even happen?!
I need to work on my calligraphy...
I asked my parents for a shot glass from Alaska. They gave me funny looks and I don't think they will... but I'm hoping.
My mind is wonderfully spaztastic.
I don't feel like being around very many people right now. I suck.
Why can't I stop being me sometimes? Why can't I just give in and do the right thing? Why do I have to be so goddamn stubborn? Why do I have to be so proud? I just want to be a good person... but sometimes, some part of me won't let me. =/
I hate analyzing my shit... it makes me depressed. But I can't help it. I'm retarded.
I think in my desire to rebel against everyhthing I used to be (which arose out of my desire for happiness and my theory that if I couldn't find it doing what I was doing, then maybe I could find it doing what I WASN'T doing), I lost sight of some thngs I shouldn't have. I lost me.
When will I stop trying to find myself? When the hell does this damn searching end? I suppose it ends when I'm happy... But I thought I was. And now I'm not.
"No man is an island." Perhaps. But women sure as hell are.