Nov 09, 2008 20:59
Aaaah, the elections are over and everyone can now shut up about the candidates (both of whom I despise for one reason or another)........I can feel the world beginning to let their collective mouths shut (at least for now) and life can get back to a relatively normal state (and I don't have to watch campaign commercials anymore....).
Was disappointed that Amendment 2 did pass (thought it would not actually), and am REALLY surprized that a lot of people voted NO for the amendment that no new tax assessment be placed on their home when they make it more energy efficient or hurricane proof. Just shows me most voters are idiots (which I new but these kind of things really hit it home). I just wish people would pay more attention to politics and the amendments in general when they vote.
Anyways, things have been going nicely for us. We have a 4th Chihuahua in our household named Sephira (she is a long haired Chi). That's it. No More. She was a graduation present for my wife. Very beautiful dog and sweet too.
Thing is the day we got her she broke her leg. She jumped off my sister-in-law's lap (who was sitting on the floor) not 6 inches up off the ground and happened to land the wrong way and fractured BOTH bones in her leg. We sat at the vet that night and were fretting (the vet told us it would be a 3,000 DOLLAR surgery). We visited OUR vet Dr. Farley the next day and he told us that a cast would be fine and surgery was a bit extreme. He directed us to a specialist who we visited the same day and she told us the same thing. It was a clean break and would heal nicely.
Well this all happened 4 weeks ago and her cast comes off tomorrow!!!! Can't wait to see what this little puppy is like AFTER the cast is off because she has been tearing through the house with a cast ON. ;)
Maria is almost finished with her internship and will be graduating the beginning of December (YAY!!). There will be a graduation party on December 13th here at our condo in the pool house. We will be letting everyone know the time when the date gets a little closer. I am excited about it. I can't wait till we are a double income house hold and we can start saving more, traveling more, and renovating our condo a little more ;) YAY!!!
School is going well. Having a blast teaching as always. I finally got to the chapter on Fossils and Dinosaurs and we are having a fake fossil hunt this week out in the playground. They will ID the animal, the time period, what it eats, and possible reasons why it died. It should be fun. After that the students are making their own fossils in class to display in our science center. I love chapters where not only I am enthusiastic about it but the students are as well. It's easier to show them science can be fun NOW before moving onto the chapter about the atmosphere (YAWN). Of course after that is the space chapter and we are back to fun and interesting again. I can make the atmosphere chapter fun with labs, but honestly the interest has to be there in the students in terms of the text. If there is low interest and the text is high readability then there is not much comprehension going on and they won't want to reread on their own. I can trust them to do that on the chapters like fossils and planets though thank God!
I am really happy to see that I am making headway with their reading skills this early in the year. Usually it can be hard to tell but this year they are doing VERY well on everything we do and that's good (even my low level kids).
So yeah, school is awesome.
I am also learning a whole hell of a lot from being the Union Steward this year. Those of you who know me know how opinionated I can be, so its actually a job I am quite good at. I love it.
So yeah life is good.
Been playing heroclix and reading comics of course.
Right now I am finally reading The Death of Captain America. Long story on why it took so long to get to read, short version is I did not have all the issues before hand that lead up to the event so I wanted to get the big picture first before I read it and I finally got to read them (good thing to as it was a series wide story from the get go). So far its a great story however I had a lot of issues with killing of Steve and still do (especially the way it WAS done). I don't approve of it (if it IS long term). If it's for a great story and Steve will be back at some point YAY.
Green Lantern is of course kicking ass.
Rage of the Red Lanterns was excellent and has me excited (as if I was not already) for the War of the Lanterns storyline coming up in a few months and BLACKEST NIGHT this coming summer. Here's hoping the next DC Heroclix set will be heavily Green Lantern influenced!!
Its a great time to be a Green Lantern fan! Its like all those years of enduring Ron Marz has paid off because a REAL writer who gets the ENTIRE mythos is expanding on it and making it BETTER!!!! And he is doing it while letting ALL the Earth Lanterns shine in their own way!!!
Well that's all I have to write right now. I want to go and watch a movie with my lovely wife now!!!!
See ya!!!