Jun 15, 2008 22:31
my little mishi...is now level 58 and in hellfire penn XD
wow, what a crazy 2 months of non-stop leveling...or was it less? hopefully she'll be 70 by the end of the month...then i'll start working on Teleah again *nods* (who's currently 46)
already she's getting AMAZING upgrades...i had forgotten how much better outland is for upgrades...especially for weird specs like elemental shaman and balance druids :) very, very cool!
i think i might get a new e-mail address...mine is constantly bombarded with junk emails now :( unfortunately so...since i've had the greenkit3@yahoo.com email since like, beginning of high school ^^; oh well...might go with my gmail ladiliafrostmoon@gmail.com ^^ or might make a new gmail for myself...lol we'll see...i'm just tired of the junk /sigh
okee that's about it for now...mishi will probably hit 60 tomorrow since 58-60 is cake in outland :) can't wait to get her a faster elekk! that'll be keen...
anywho...sorry i don't write very often...RL and game life keep me quite busy >< but i love you all very much! ^_^ *hugs* see ya when i see ya! (oh, and when i get a new email address, i'll totally post it here!) bai~