Just moved to Samsun, Turkey

Oct 03, 2009 22:26

Long time since I posted any­thing on here. A word­press upgrade broke the old “Options” theme I was using, and I’ve been fid­dling with mak­ing the blog pre­sentable again since then, on and off. Mosty off as I was spend­ing a lot of time job seek­ing, then get­ting ready to move, and finally mov­ing from Min­neapo­lis to Samsun.

Sam­sun is a small city on the Black Sea Coast of Turkey - friendly, mid­dle class, full of obser­vant Mus­lims, and a bit dull. I’m teach­ing Eng­lish at a pri­vate girl’s school out­side town, and my hus­band is doing the same at a boy’s school under the same man­age­ment. Peo­ple are friendly, the food is *great*, there’s noth­ing to spend money on, and a year here should let us recover eco­nom­i­cally from the deba­cles we’ve had to deal with since leav­ing Moscow.

I’m going to be post­ing a lot more travel writ­ing and catch­ing up on older pho­to­graphic work, so do want to find a good way to present all this mate­r­ial… which I guess means fuss­ing with Word­press more.  I’ll try to post more often, anyway.

Originally published at Seeking the World's Soul. You can comment here or there.

turkey, samsun, traveling, travel photography

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