Brides of Time

Jun 27, 2009 07:31

Stat­ues cov­ered in plas­tic drap­ing at the Louvre

I love watch­ing art restora­tion work in progress, espe­cially when the tech­ni­cians are actively work­ing on things. These stat­ues were in a wing of the Lou­vre that was under­go­ing repairs and cov­ered in a great deal of dust. The plas­tic draped over them made me think of bridal veils.

In other news, I’m updat­ing this site with a new theme (my old one broke) and upgrad­ing to Gallery3 from Gallery2 - not exactly a pain­less process so far; it’s still in beta and I’m jump­ing the gun a bit…

Originally published at Seeking the World's Soul. You can comment here or there.

art restoration, louvre, art, museum, france, travel photography, featured

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