(no subject)

Jun 12, 2004 18:23

So this afternoon I was heading back home after a trip to Home Depot, where we manly men stock up on "tools" and "hardware" and "lumber" for our manly-men "projects", when suddenly all the warning lights on my dash lit. When they went back out, the tach, speedometer, and fuel gage all read zero. Astounding as I had just filled the tank up and was traveling at 30 MPH when it happened.

Anyway, also lit was the "Service Engine Soon" warning. So I pressed the On*Star button and a few minutes later, some guy in Chicago told me my transmission was sending an abnormal condition signal to the main computer and that I should have it looked at within seven days.

Now, I don't know this guy and I'm probably never going to meet this guy. This guy probably doesn't know a transmission from a bagel with creme cheese. On top of that, I live 1100 miles away from Chicago.

My point is, is it a good thing that someone 1100 miles away can find out what's wrong with my truck? 'Cause, you know, what else can he find out?
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