
Jun 02, 2004 19:01

I had to do this for a silly thing we do at our weekly staff meetings. The idea is to share knowledge we've picked up over time with our co-workers. Me, I think if you're bagging something you know others might find useful just so you have something to say at the meeting, you're not helping anyone. As such, my "knowledge sharing" is never work ( Read more... )

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greenjet June 3 2004, 05:47:21 UTC
...did you manage to find out when Book 6 will be published? Because I'm wanting to read it, badly.

Not directly, but at her site, Jo ('cause we're close personal friends) said she was still at the stage where she's consulting charts and diagrams to remember where she is in the story and to track what still needs to happen to set up the final book. She also said book six and seven were so intertwined that they're more like part one and part two of the same story. Could be frustrating to finish book six and have to wait two more years for seven.

Anyway, I figure that next spring is probably the earliest it'll be ready. I could, of course, easily be wrong.

I'd spend more time figuring out ways to skip out of the meetings than I would learning anything or imparting knowledge. But I'm a different kind of rebel that way.

Believe me, if I could manufacture ways out of the meetings, I would. Even granting that 90% of all meetings are pointless wastes of time and the other 10% are only 20% as useful as management thinks they are, these weekly staff meetings are shining examples of what not to do. The last meeting? Thirty minutes on how to care for a newborn, and that was not the "knowledge sharing."


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